(Pink) Inkling Boy x Female Inkling Reader

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3rd Person Pov.

It's a beautiful day in Inkopolis City. All the inklings are having fun with their Turf War Battles and Ranked Battles.

But there is one team who is having trouble with Turf War. Their names are Jennifer, Briana, Hannah, and (Y/n). (Y/n) and her team are having problems against their opponents team because they're tough to beat. They have weapons such as the Blaster, Splat Roller, Splat Charger and an N-Zap '89. The leader of the group is named Zach and the other three are Fabian, Chris and Eric.

Right now, (Y/n)'s team and Zach's team are having an argument with each other.

(Y/n) Pov.

"Oh my squid! How do you guys keep beating us!" Jennifer shouted with an angry tone. Zach and his team just laughed and smirked.

"Come on ladies, you know that boys are better than girls." Chris said. "That's not true, girls can be better than boys." Said Hannah. Briana then said "Can you guys stop arguing, we've been arguing for 10 minutes now." "Your friend has a point." Eric said. "You might want to listen to her, and go home." Fabian said with a smirk.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Hannah shouted. "I just did, girly!" Fabian shouted back. "Enough." Said Zach. Everyone went silent. He then continued. "We would like our part of the deal. (Y/n)?" He looked at me with a smirk. 'Oh my squid, I hate that smirk and why did I even make a deal on this' I thought.

Their reward is... me. I have to be their maid for at least a whole week.

I walked up to him and said "Ok, I'm ready." "Alright, you will be following us to our apartment and we'll be giving you the rules." Zach said. I sighed, "fine." "Let's go." He said to his team. They nodded and we started walking to their place.

"I hope (y/n) will be ok, with a bunch of boys" Briana said. "If they do anything to her, I will run them over with my Roller" Hannah said with anger. "Don't worry, she'll be fine." Jennifer said.

I can hear my friends not that far, and I hope I'll be ok. I wish it was just a normal day.


My friends and I are walking and chatting about Turf Wars and what to buy at the Booyah Base. I was so busy talking, when I bumped into a boy, on the back side.

"Oh my. I'm s-so sorry." I apologized. The boy turned his head around, look at me with an intense gaze. I noticed that he has pink tentacles and so does the other three boys. Must be his team.

"Watch where you're going." He said in an annoyed tone. "You tell her." Said the boy with the Tinted Shades. "L-Look, it was an accident. I didn't mean to bump into you" I said, starting to tremble by his tone. "Sorry does not cover it." He said towering over me. Ok, I'm getting a little scared.

"Leave her alone!" Hannah shouted. Jennifer, Briana and Hannah had rushed by my side to defend me. "Are you guys with her?" Said the boy with a Urchins Cap. "Yes we are. If you mess with her, you'll mess with all of us." Jennifer said, glaring at the boys. "Plus, she had apologized to your friend." Briana said. She then looks at the guy, who was picking on me. "Just forgive her and move on."

"...Fine, I'll forgive her" He said. I formed a small smile on my face. He then smirked and said "I'll forgive her, if you girls can beat us guys in a Turf War Battle." My smile then faded.

"Here's the deal, if you girls win, then I'll forgive her. But if we win, then she'll have to be our maid for the rest of the week." He said with a smirk on his face and so does his team.

My eyes widen at this. 'He wants me to be their maid?!' I thought out loudly. "Sounds like a good bet." The boy with the Skull Bandana. "So, do we have a deal?" He said.

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