The Beginning

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It was 11 p.m. when Judy went downstairs to the dining room. She brought along a piece of paper and pen with her; she wanted to write a letter to her brother. It was a much better way to spend the time rather than uselessly tossing and turning in her bed.

She told her brother James that Lisa and their three children were all alright, and that living with them had been such a pleasure. She also told him that their parents were okay, and that they prayed every single day for his safety.

She was about to write about the American soldiers and the particular two when she heard a knock on the door. She folded her letter and put it inside the pocket. She then headed to open the door. There she saw a barely-sober Sisk being helped to stand by two other soldiers, one of them was Liebgott.

"Is he alright?" was all she managed to say.

Liebgott snorted. "Yeah, just drunk."

She nodded and was confused for a moment. "Umm... bring him in." She opened the door as wide as possible then let the three men inside.

They headed upstairs and put Sisk on the bed.

"Dammit, Skinny," the unknown man murmured to the unconscious Sisk. He then realized that he hadn't introduced himself to the house owner. "Oh, I'm sorry, Ma'am" he apologized for cursing.

"Yeah," she shrugged.

"My name's Christenson, Pat Christenson," he held out his hand.

Judy shook his hand. "I'm Judy. Nice to meet you, Pat," she smiled.

"It's a pleasure too, Ma'am."

Judy gave him a small smile. "Please, just Judy."

Christenson nodded. "Your wish my command."

Liebgott, being ignored the whole time, decided to join in. "Hey, bud, the later you come home, the lesser they will like you, you know."

"Where do you live, Pat?" Judy asked, ignoring Liebgott.

"Next house, I live with Mr. and Mrs. Hills," he smiled and turned to Liebgott. "Don't worry, Joe, I'm just a house away," he winked.

Liebgott shook his head, and it was clear that he was holding back curses from coming out of his mouth.

"Pat, I think Joe's right; you'd better go back now. You wouldn't want to make Mr. Hills upset, really. You can trust me on that," Judy informed him.

"Yeah? Alright, I think I'll go now."

She walked him to the front door.

"See you later, Ms. Judy," he smiled.

She smiled as well and walked upstairs after closing the door. The guest room door was still open, but she knocked anyway. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Liebgott answered.

She came in and realized that Sisk was now fully unconscious, and the sound of his snort filled the room.

"You sure he's okay?" she asked once again.

"Yeah, he's always like that. As long as he still snores, he's okay."

She responded with a nod, and they were silent for a moment.

"So," she broke the silent. "You boys went to the pub tonight?"

For Christ's sake, Judy? Did you really need to ask?

"Yeah," Joe said, sitting next to Judy on the empty side of the bed.

"Liked the place?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, a lot. How come you don't like it?"

"I do like it, when there's lesser crowd," she reminded.

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