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Mid-January 1944

It'd been almost two months now since Joe had told Judy about his feeling. They'd gone through Christmas and New Year together, but Judy still hadn't given him any answer.

Skinny, whether anyone realized or not, had been that one person who quite suffered from the relationship between his two close friends. He wanted to tell Judy so badly that Joe was waiting for her answer, but of course that wouldn't be the right thing do. So, he could only watch Joe trying every way to remind Judy that he was still waiting, while she kept pretending to not remember.

To be honest, it wasn't easy for Judy, either. She knew she'd been such an evil, but she couldn't just easily tell Joe what's on her mind; he wouldn't understand, no he wouldn't. The only person who understood this other than herself was Florence. And unsurprisingly, so did her sister-in-law because one day, Lisa had talked to her about Joe.

"Jude, honey," Lisa started casually. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

"It might be very personal, but I think I need to know," she mumbled. "You and Joe... something happened between you two?"

"Something..." Judy frowned. "Like what?"

Lisa chuckled. "That's what I want to ask. I don't know what's the thing, but you guys have been acting... rather peculiar."

Judy's frown got deeper. "Peculiar? I don't know... nothing really happened."

"You're aware that Joe likes you, right, honey?" Lisa asked in a most casual tone.

Judy just stared at her for a few seconds. Then she looked down and said, "Yes, I think I know."

"Is that why? Because you don't like him?"

She took a deep breath and shook her head. "I don't know," she shrugged. "What do you mean by 'peculiar' though?"

Lisa tried to choose the right words, careful not to offend her husband's little sister. "Umm... I actually don't know how to put it into words," she contemplated. "But, it seemed to me that you've been trying to... I don't know, create a distance from Joe? Do you though? Because honestly, that's what I see."

"Well, I'm not," said Judy. "I mean, I don't intend to, but..." she licked her lips. "I have to admit that probably, that's what I've been doing."

"What happened?" Lisa asked again

Judy stared intently at Lisa and shook her head.

"Is it what I think it is?" Lisa frowned.

Judy shrugged.

"Oh honey," Lisa sighed. "Joe doesn't deserve this."

"I know it's my fault."

"No, no, that's not what I mean."

"No, I understand. I do realize that Joe doesn't deserve this," Judy sighed again. "I just... I can't make up my mind."

"But you know you need to."

"Yes, I know. I know," she said, getting up from her seat. "Thanks for reminding me though, Liz."


"Joe, hey," she nervously smiled. "Can I talk to you for a sec?" Judy had made her mind up to, at least, talk and explain everything to Joe. She knew she couldn't let it hanging any longer.

Joe smiled, and his eyes suddenly beamed. "Sure. Let me take my jacket first," he got back inside his room quickly. "Come on."

They took a walk outside despite the cold weather. Talking in the house didn't seem like a good idea, they both agreed.

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