Professors Are Cruel

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"What do we have now?" Harry asked Ron.

Ron was still looking upset with having to walk with Hermione, but I told him that he would have to suck it up; which earned a glare from Harry. I ignored it gracefully.

It seems everyone was getting used to my clutzy moments. I tripped everywhere I went, sometimes even taking people down with me. I was positive that they were annoyed by my apologies - and, frankly, I was too - but Harry would always glare at me till I expressed my regret.

"Double Potions with -" Ron began, but I cut him off.

"The Slytherins. Yeah, we already know that, Ron."

"Yeah..." Ron said, his lips twitching as though he was struggling to hold back a few choiced words, "but Snape's the Potions professor and he's also Head of the Slytherin House. They say he always favors them. At least we'll be able to see if its true."

"Woohoo," I said in mock enthusiasm.

Ron sent me a dark glare, but didn't say anything.

"Wish Professor McGonagall favored us." Harry said gloomily.

"Why?" I asked. "I think she is doing a splendid job; she's my favorite class!"

"She gave us all that homework." Harry complained, his eyes widening behind his glasses. "It's going to take me all night to finish."

"Without my help it is," I patted his shoulder in comfort. "But I'll help you."

At that moment, owls streamed into the Hall. It was always a wonder to see at least a hundred owls swooping down all at once before spreading out to find their owners; so when I heard the signiture hoots, I looked up to admire them.

Harry and I never got mail - who was going to mail to us, after all? - so imagine my surprise when Hedwig Manded in front of us with a small roll of parchment attached to her leg.

Harry tore it open at once. I leaned over to read it over his shoulder.

Dear Harry and Nixie,

I know you get friday afternoons off, so would you two like to come down and have a cup of tea with me around three?


"Who is it from?" Hermione asked tentatively, as though if she spoke any louder someone might yell at her to leave. That wouldn't really surprise me, remembering Ron's tact.

"Hagrid," I told her. "You know him, right?"

Hermione nodded.

"He's invited us down at his house for tea," Harry informed our friends.

"Can I come?" Ron asked, buttering up his toast carelessly.

"Sure," Harry said, scribbling down a reply. "Would you like to come, Hermione?"

Hermione jolted in shock, and then shook her head hurriedly, glancing quickly at Ron, who pulled a face. "Oh, no, I still have a lot of homwork to do."

"You're coming," I told her. "Tell Hagrid we're bringing two friends, Harry."

Hermione bit her lip as Harry looked at her expectantly. "I... okay, I'll go, if it's not much of a bother to him." Hermione finally said.

"I'm sure it won't be," Harry said, scribbling some more on the parchment. "Hagrid's great."

He rolled up the parchment again and gave it to Hedwig. "Can you take this to Hagrid?" Harry asked her, getting a haughty duh look in reply.

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