Chapter 2

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Getting Know Him..

Feeling the comfortable bed...soo relaxing...nothing can make her worried to find place to protect herself...

wait....on a bed???!!

_____ wake up from the bed.But something heavy.It can't be a thing or an object across her neck right?.She looked next to her.That guy....whats his name again, oh yeah Shanks.

Suddenly, ______ face red.She trying to push away his body from her.But its getting more closer. "Hey stopp doing that...i want to sleep more..". "Aren't u the one should fine ANOTHER BED!???!!". ______ shouted untill he fell from the bed. *BUMP*. "Ouch, that the way lady should say thanks for put her on bed?".Shanks scratching back his neck. "Wait whattt?!!! Im faint last night?!!". ________ held her face in horror.Someone when into the cabin. "Master u awake!!".Taro bouncing towards her.

"Taro did im just faint last night??". _______ asked him. "Yes, u did.Maybe ur too tired".Taro sigh. "Umm sorry captain Shanks...its really rude of me said that to u...but im thinking back...ur the one perverted old man". "Hey thats soo unfair.C,mon lets go eat u must be hungry".Shanks help her stand up from his bed.But unfortunately, their eyes meet each other.They keep quite looked at each other. "Did i met u before?".Shanks asked. "I".Their face get closer...and closer.. "Stopped poison my master brain u pervert!!! *MUNCH MUNCH*".Taro chewed Shanks hair.

"Yeah, yeah lets go...before ur pet trying to eat my hold body".Shanks give goofy smiled. _______ laughed the joke he made.

After Breakfast....

Another ship nearby them....

"HEYYYY SHANKS!!!!".Old man with big white mustache. "OOOOYYY Whitebeard!!!".


"Long see u Whitebeard".They shakes hand. "U too Shanks..". "Where u want to sail?...". "Ohhh just nearby here who's that?". "Whatt who?".Shanks in dilemma. "Behind u". Shanks looked at his back it was _______. "ohhh this is ________ and _______ this is Whitebeard".He pointed to Whitebeard. "Umm hello Mr.WhiteBeard...nice to meet u!".She smiled.

" proud of u...but...WHY U DIDN'T TELL ME U GOT WIFE???!! HOW COULD U NOT INVITED ME TO UR WEDDing?!". "Whoa whoa wait your mistake...she wasn't my wife and i even didn't know her!!!!".Shanks sweatdropped. "Uhhh u was missunderstand Sir.I was lost on his ship thats all..hahha". "Ohhh oh k...i thought this red hair married beautiful lady like sorry...and just call me WhiteBeard!".

"Hello, woww im really can't believe it!!! Its was an enormous mustache i ever seen!!!".She exclaimed. "Oh why thank u miss ______ ". "Uhh, why someone need to praise ur mustache".Shanks laugh. "Well nobody can have like i'm did!".

"Alright Shanks i need to go now!! Hey don't forget to invited me to ur wedding...". "Hey im still need freedom life". "But man need to married have some happiness!!!".He went back to his ship.

"Captain...u didn't said that u had girlfriend??".Luckyroo wonder. "Woowww beautiful chick i see".Yasoop held his chin while looked at her. "Cut it down.Now lets talked _______.Are u want to go somewhere else?...u said that u lost at my ship". "I donno Captain...but i wish to join ur crew!!".She smiled with sparkling around her.Everyone face became red as tomato. "C, mon Captain please let her stay!!!".Yasopp and Lucky roo begged him. "Whatt?!!". "Yeah, Captain maybe its better let her stay..".Benn smirked.

"Geez, brought lady like her in this ship with my perverts crew?".Shanks left eyebrow went up. "Maybe she can cooked delicious food???!".Lucky roo got idea. "Maybe i can cooked delicious in any menu...". _______ pointed to her chin. "Ummm alright, welcome to my ship _______".Shanks shake with her hand. "Thank u Captain!".She smiled brightly.

Unexpectedly, one from shichibukai, with their ship came closer with Red Pirates...

big trouble coming...

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