Chapter 7

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Such beautiful sail..beautiful sky...and calm sea...wait..enough this nosense...




"Still no..."

"Its not im gonna gone forever"

"Yes i know..but still they looking for u.."


"No but"

I was whined.Feeling frustrated....want to know why?....ITS FREAKING BOREDDDD... "I know what your thinking _____".

"U can't read my soul..only i can".

"Im reading ur mind.."

"Its im saying-"

"Its freaking bored?".Shanks smirked. "Ughhh, its lame sitting here and do nothing!!". "Well its better not to danger yourself~". "-!!! Thats it...SHANKS!!!!". "Yes my love..?"

"Oh my pirates!!!! Whats that!!!".I pointed to flag.

"Wait what! where!??". Shanks tried to find anywhere. "_____ i can't find it, where did u...".Shanks looked the place i stand a while ago.Its gone.Lots of question mark on his head. He breath inside. "______!!!!!!!".

I was running to the market place. "Hah...hah...thats really closed one!!. Ok Taro lets go and have some fun!!".I exclaimed. "I think i havr bad feeling on this master...".As while he inside the sytche case.I keep walked, and walked..i bumped onto Someone. "Ooff, sorry".Then i looked to person i bumped it.A boy with straw hat and a scar under his eye?.

"Eh, Luffy?".

"Oh sorry if i bumped on u!.Wait u know me?"

"Yeah,".I reach his hat and held it while my right hand ruffled his hair. "Luffy really had big dreamt to complished it!,!".His eyes widen. "______ !!!! Is it u??!!. Hahahahhaha im soo happy to meet u!!".I was being spining in the air while he hugged my shoulder.


After 29 years later...

I was can't thinking i do miss that red hair boy...i was bored still sat same rock i used to meet that boy.Suddenly, "I want to find beautiful shell and showed to Makino!!".A high spirit voice nearby where i sit.

He came closer and closer... "Ehhhhh your a mermaid!??".He asked innocently.He wear the same straw hat.It couldn't be. "Yeah, im a mermaid...and im kinda bored here..i didn't had friend".I sigh. "So why don't i be your friend??!!".He said like got big idea. I was laughed at it.He's so slow and adorable. "Alright,what's ur name??". I asked. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy, called me Luffy! And im gonna be the king of pirates in the world!!!". Luffy said while hands up in the air.

I was put my index finger on my chin.Then i reach his hat while other one ruffled his hair. "Luffy really had a big dreamt to complished it!". I laughed. "Oh ya, can i know your name?". "Oh my name is ______. Don't forget me when u get older.Always Remembered Here".I pointed at his heart. "Yeah promise!!".

End Flashback...


"I really miss u _____!!!!!". "Hahahahhaha ok ok calm down!". "Whoa, _____!!! looked at u! U got feet?". "Pfft, it was since when we met.I do got ability to changed like human".I put back his hat. "Hey, Luffy don't get to lost its hard to find u back-? Wow who is this Luffy?".Nami asked. "Hello!".I said. "Ohh, Nami!! She's my precious Friend when im little!". He grabbed my waist closer to his body.

"U mean, the one that u told me when u got little cru-!!".Nami didn't said the last word being closed mouth with his rubber hand. "N-nami!!!..don't said that infront of her!!".He whispered. "Pffft hahahahahaha u guys so funny!!!. Hey my name _____! So ur name Nami?". I shaked her hand.She nodded.Luffy blushed little. "So what are u doing here _____?". "Oh i was just...". Then a big cheer so loud in was sudden.Im ignored Luffy as i keep walked into crowd. What are they cheering for?.Im keep pushing the people and what im saw.

Some of women being chains and some men too.But right now i saw a girl...she's still young.She lying there.I read her soul. She didn't eat about a week?!!!.What are they thinking.I went to Somewhere to transform.Then i came back and stand on the scene.The girl being kicked by the old man.She's still didn't move!. "C, mon u useless girl!!! Get up i don't have any time to see u messing around!!".He kicked and kicked.I came in flash towards him and kicked straight to his head.

3rd POV...

"U....GOVERNMENT don't deserve to live at all!!".The crowds begin surprise what she said. "When u bumped onto Someone u will said sorry, but when u killed innocent lives u don't deserve to to be forgiven!!! ".She said out loud. "Stop the Angel Of Death!!!". While Luffy and Nami. "I have to help ____!!!!.Shes in trouble!!".Nami held tight his arms before he reach her. "NO LUFFY, we need to thinked a plan first!!". Then shadow form under his bangs. "But She's-!!". "Liffy looked!!".She pointed the another crowds of Marines crew.

Luffy only can saw his eyes in worried _____. "NOOO!!".

while ______.

"Yargggh!!!! they came towards to captured ____. "Yaaaaaargh!!! power of tornado!!!".Lots of them dead in one strike.Not to long the same girl being held by the old man kicked her. "If u don't want this useless pirates who against law being killed infront of u-!!". 'SHIIING!'. a sycthe came nowhere cut his head. "Its enough to seen them being killed just becoz of stupid law". "Don't move...or u gonna melt just like that".A voice that Everyone fear.It was Akainu (Sakazaki). (Sorry if i didn't spell it right). "Well why u just don't kill me instead?". ____ playfully sang. "I did..". But at the same time the eye blade of sycthe was behind his neck. "This sycthe wasn't just any sycthe out can kill anyone even who's eat devil fruit.If u understand this statement".

"Heh, prove it-!". She strike on his left arm.It was real. He shocked. "Enough the evidence!".His arm can grow back.Lots of chains around my body.Before it happen i throw the sycthe away from me. "Taro, sent this message to Shanks.....i love u". "Masterr nooo!!!".

It was blacked...______ inside the Darkness...

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