Introduction to Glamour and Manipulation

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Glamour is the gift used by the people of Luna. For years, people on earth were convinced that it was "magic".
However, glamour is not magic, it is the manipulation of bioelectricity. This allows one to put thoughts into someone's head or words into someone's mouth.
Shells are immune to glamour, which is why it causes them to be taken away at birth.
The glamour was first found and recognized by Cyprus Blackburn, the creator of Luna and the Lunar gift. Cyprus got it by overexposure of electro magnetic waves on the moon which caused electrons to be removed from his body, therefore, being the first person ever to get the Lunar gene.
The Lunar gene was passed down generation after generation. The Lunar civilization and the cultures of Luna were greatly modified by glamour.
Shells and androids can't be manipulated. Glamour can also be exposed on netscreens, portscreens, and mirrors. 

All in all, what do YOU think about glamour? Should we use it? Should we not?
But what if we secretly had it without knowing?
Continue reading this guide if you want to unlock your inner Lunar.
You can also send in messages telling me your experience on glamour. I will post them anonymously, (if you want me to say who you are then just say so!)
And before you begin reading, I just wanted to say that this is pure fiction so please don't take it seriously. I'm writing this for fun and for my fellow Lunartic readers.
Alright! Until then, see you later Lunartics!

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