Chapter 7

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Alex's POV

"Okay, DeLuca! That's it! Thank you, I'll just close him up." I said after our surgery went successful. It felt so good to know that you just saved someone and made their family happy.

"Alex! Are you done?" I heard Meredith asking through the microphone.
"Yeah, I'm just closing him up."
"DeLuca, you take over, Alex, can I see you outside please? Now." Meredith's voice sounded serious so I decided to do what she said.
"What's wrong?" I asked, noticing how Meredith's face went from serious to sympathetic without saying anything.
"Meredith. What's wrong?" My voice got louder and more serious.
"Sarah's in surgery, she-"
"What? Why? Meredith! Where's Jo?! What happened?!"
"Alex, she's in good hands, Arizona's taking care of her."
"WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled through the hallway holding my own fist, trying not to lose control.
"Her heart stopped beating. Alex, she's a preemie. Complications were foreseeable."
"Mer, just shut up! I need to see her!"
"You can't -"
"I need to see Jo!"
"She's in the waiting area. I sent her there, she's a family member and not a surgeon in that case, so are you." Meredith tried to calm me down but before she could continue talking I sprinted towards the waiting area to see Jo.
While running, I crashed a supply holder and hit my elbow on the wall, but it all didn't matter because I just needed to see my girlfriend, and daughter.

Jo's POV

I actually tried to stay calm sitting there, between all the other people waiting for the doctors to tell them that the surgery went successful. But instead, so many people I watched bursted into tears when doctors came to talk to them. With every passing minute I already pictured Arizona coming towards me with those sunken eyelids telling me that they had tried everything they could. That was something we always did as surgeons when we had to tell someone their friend or child or mother didn't make it. First we would say that we did everything we could. But what we never say is that it just wasn't enough, that WE weren't enough to save their love one. Maybe it was too late to save them but telling them that we tried everything won't bring them back, will it? We're the person to change their life forever. We'll always be remembered as the surgeon - no, as the person - who changed their life forever by telling them their family member has passed away. In that moment, it doesn't matter if you're the surgeon, the intern or the nurse, you are the one who transferred them the bad news. You'll always be that person.
As I sat there thinking and watching the other people wait, I didn't really notice what was going on around me. I didn't even cry. I just sat there staring into nowhere expecting the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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