Chapter 1

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 It was 8 o'clock in the morning when Kyla began to redeem her consciousness again. She started hearing a low voice beside her. Her eyes were heavy and not helping her to wake up. However, she overcame her tiredness and hardly opened her eyes to find her brother saying in a humorous way "Wake up sis! If you kept waking up late every day, I'll find myself fired from my job." "Tsk! Give me two more minutes Caleb! Two minutes aren't going to make a difference." mumbled Kyla sleepily. "But dear like this you'll be late for your high school and I'll be late for work. Come on, give me a hand." Caleb pulled his sister out of bed and walked her to the bathroom. While he was walking back to the room he suddenly stopped. Tears started filling his copper-brown eyes as he looked at his mother's picture. "Mom," he said with extreme agony, "I miss you so much. Life has become very hard for me to handle after you left me and Kyla to go to the other world. It's strangling me by thick ropes from all directions, and I don't know what to do. I'm in a huge debt that I could not afford, Mom. I'm afraid this will get me jailed because, without me, who will take care of Kyla and her health? ". Caleb felt sudden strength pumping into his heart causing him to wipe his tears and complete "But don't worry, mom! Your son is now a strong, responsible man. I'll try to find a second job to be able to pay the debt and afford Kyla's medicine and collage and..." Caleb instantly cut his speech and drew a smile on his face when he heard the bathroom door open. "Kyla, I'm sure you didn't take your medicine, so go take it now," said Caleb "and tell me how many pills are left." "Ten are left, brother." "Ten? No way! I'm sure it's supposed to be finished by tomorrow or after tomorrow maximum!" said Caleb confidently. "Yeah, that would have been the case if I didn't find the full carton I lost two months ago. Remember? I am so lucky, right," said Kyla with a forced smile. Kyla always faked smiling and being happy and healthy in front of her brother in order not to make him worry about her and her terrible health although she knew deep inside her she was feelingly and physically tortured. Since Kyla was born, she was diagnosed with sickle cell disease, a kind of incurable mutation in the red blood cells that causes her red blood cells to be stiff and easily stuck to vessel walls causing coagulation and blockage in the blood vessels. The only solution to her rare disease was to take a $200 medicine to unclog her vessels regularly and help her live a normal living. Without that medicine, she would have died from a heart attack years ago.

"Okay go dress up quickly sis and I'll wait for you in the car," said Caleb after a short moment of silence. Kyla dressed herself up quickly and sat in her brother's car. He dropped her by her high school and went to MdeAS Architects, where he works there as an architect. "Caleb you're late again! I'll have to reduce you salary this time," shouted his manager Mr. Steven. "I am so sorry sir. It is the last time I promise." "Fine Caleb, but it's your final chance, however," sighed Mr. Steven. *ring* *ring* "Excuse me, sir, I have to go pick up the phone." Caleb went away to pick up his phone and said "Hello? Who's talking?" "Hahaha you forgot me that easily Caleb!" Caleb started to panic and answered nervously "M..Mr. Heinks? Umm.. I..I..umm." "Listen you fool," bawled Mr. Hanks, "you better give me my money back or I'll get you jailed!" "Bu-but I can't! You know my sister has a bad health and my salary isn't enough to..." "I don't care about your sister and whatever! I want my money back today!" interrupted Mr. Hanks. "I beg you Mr. Hanks give me two more weeks! Just two more weeks," said Caleb weakly. "Ugh! you know what? Fine! But I swear to God I'll jail you this time if you didn't return your debt," said Mr. Hanks in a frustrated sound and hung up. Caleb got really nervous and kept thinking the whole day about his big problem. How will he return that debt after only two weeks!?

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