Chapter 2

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Caleb returned back home tired at 8:30 to find Kyla, who has returned earlier from her high school, preparing dinner. "Caleb you're finally back! Go change your work clothes quickly, and come eat," said Kyla with a warm smile. Caleb has noticed the tiredness in her eyes and asked "Are you okay sissy? Because you look unusually pale and tired..." "Umm... yeah yeah I'm very fine. You worry about me way too much brother haha," replied Kyla, "now go change!" "What did you prepare for dinner?" "It's a surprise!" Caleb changed quickly and came to see what Kyla cooked. "Mmm... Spaghetti-and-meatballs!" said Caleb excitedly, "that's my absolute favorite! I love you Kyla!" Caleb and Kyla started eating while talking and recalling situations that happened to them from the past the whole night. They flashbacked their life when they were young and laughed at the memories until they reached to the time when their mom and dad died in a car accident. Tears of sorrow and yearn filled the siblings' eyes. "I'm so sorry Caleb. I know I'm a burden in your life; I made you suffer a lot in your life because of my illness," said Kyla who shredded tears while talking. "Are you even serious Kyla? You're my little sister!" Caleb grabbed Kyla between his arms and hugged her saying "Don't you ever call yourself a burden in my life! You're all what's left to me in this world! I promise I'll always take care of you even if the result was my death!" "Shh! Caleb, don't say that. Thank you so much for taking care of me all these years, and know that you did your best all these years," said Kyla. Caleb felt her voice quivering when she said that. He pulled his arms away from her and stared at her light-brown eyes. A strange feeling that this would be their last meal together evoked in his heart whenever he looked at her paleness. "Kyla, go take your medicine now," said Caleb worriedly. "Oh I took it before you come, brother." "Really?" Kyla nodded. "Okay, go have a rest because you look very tired." Caleb went to wash his face with cold water trying to get out all the bad thoughts from his head. He went back to his room, closed his eyes, and silently prayed "God please protect my sister from all danger, and let all the danger I feel she's going to face harm me instead of her." Caleb opened his eyes and lay on his bed. A few minutes haven't passed until he fell into deep sleep after a long tiring day.

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