Final Chapter

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Caleb started walking with Danielle to the operation place. After they approached there, Caleb sat on the bench before the room shredding blood and tears of emotional and physical pain. Teresa was shocked when she saw Caleb. "Caleb! You're bleeding! Go see a doctor, and I'll stay here," said Teresa. "Not until I make sure my sister is okay!" "But Caleb..." "No Teresa! My sister is more important than my scars! In the end, these are just scars, but Kyla has a heart attack! A heart attack!!!!" Few minutes have passed until a nurse came out of the operation room! Caleb stood up and walked as fast as possible towards her saying "Is Kyla okay!" "Goodness! You have to go to an operation room to sew those scars." "IS KYLA OKAY!?? *cough* *cough*." "We are working on her operation, and have hope that she will be fine." Caleb was walking back to sit down beside again. However, while he was walking, he felt the world revolving around him. He held his head and started to scream in pain. "We told you to see a doctor! Teresa!! Go call a doctor! We won't listen to him anymore," yelled Danielle. Teresa hastened looking for a doctor until she found one. When she returned with him, she found Caleb has already passed out. "To the operation room! We have to sew those scars! Hurry up!" said the doctor to the nurses. A few moments have passed while the doctor was trying to stop the bleeding. The doctor freaked out saying "There is no use! Bleeding doesn't want to stop, and we can't sew anything like that! Go see his blood type in the laboratory to compensate for the blood he is losing. Quickly, please!"

Danielle and Teresa were worried; minutes have passed like long hours for them. The doctor came out from Kyla's room, after a long waiting time, saying, "Congratulations! The operation has succeeded pretty well, and Miss Kyla is sleeping now! However, Miss Kyla's heart is weaker these days, so give her the medicine on time! Oh and try to avoid making her nervous or sad for any reason or else she would probably have a heart attack again." Teresa and Danielle felt relieved. "I can't wait to tell Caleb," said Danielle excitedly. "Yeah, his scars will cure a hundred percent when he knows that Kyla is fine," said Teresa who was just as excited. A few minutes later, the doctor came out of Caleb's room. Teresa approached the doctor saying "Doctor when can we see Caleb?" "Yes please can we see him now? We want to tell him his sister is fine," said Danielle. The doctor remained silent for a few moments then said, "I'm so sorry... We were so late... Mr. Parkinson has lost so much blood and..." "And what doctor!?" "... and died." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2016 ⏰

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