Chapter 3

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*Beep beep beep beep beep beep* Caleb, who was still half-asleep, tried closing the alarm clock by feeling it with his hands. He woke up early and dressed up to go to work as usual. Before he went out, he had a look at Kyla who was still sleeping since she had a weekend; he looked at her from the small opening of her room's door saying, "I hope you take care of yourself until I return back, Kyla." *ring ring* *ring ring* "Oh, I bet it's Teresa," thought Caleb. Teresa was Kyla's friend and neighbor at the same time. He rushed to open the door quickly then said "Teresa, I'm really glad you came to stay with Kyla since I won't be here. Take care of her, and make sure she takes her medicine." "Don't worry, Caleb. She'll be fine." "Okay, make yourself at home. I have to go now." Caleb took the stairs to the ground floor and was shocked when he saw the situation in the street. The street was so crowded that there was no way for him to ride his car to work. "What's wrong?" he asked a passerby. "I heard there is a huge revolution in LA today," answered the man. "A-a revolution in LA?" Caleb was shocked and thought to himself, "How am I going to get to work ugh!" He then remembered the debt and thought, "I will go to my work no matter what! I need each and every penny given to me, and the work place isn't that far anyway." Caleb started running in the street for more than half an hour until he reached his workplace. "Caleb you actually came and on time? Most of the workers didn't arrive yet because the streets were blocked" said Mr. Steven who was puzzled to find Caleb. "Sir, I promised you that I will always come on time" Mr. Steven smiled leaving Caleb to work. After several hours of work, Caleb looked at his watch. "It's still 5:00 ! Oh my..." *ring ring* "Hello?" "Hello Caleb! It's Teresa! Help me Kyla suddenly fell on the ground while screaming and holding her heart!" Caleb felt an ache in his heart, and his whole body and mouth started to shiver and he shouted, "GO CALL THE AMBLUANCE AND GIVE HER THE MEDICINE NOW! THE MEDICINE BOX IS IN HER SECOND DRAWER! QUICKLYYY!!!!" Caleb waited a few seconds until Teresa said, "There is no.. no medicine in the box..." "HOW COME THERE IS NO MEDICINE!?? ARE YOU EVEN SERIOUS! THIS NOT A PROPER TIME TO JOKE! SHE JUST SAID YESTERDAY THERE ARE TEN CAPSULES LEFT AND..." "Hold on, Caleb there is a letter inside" "WHAT LETTER!!!" "It says:

Dear my one and only brother,

I'm so sorry I lied to you about the medicine thing, but I actually heard you talking to mister Heinks about your debt. $10000 is a very big amount of money, and you having to pay $200 weekly will increase your pressure even more. I'm so sorry, brother, but I can't see you in agony."


Kyla Parkinson

"WHAT! OH MY GOD! IS SHE CRAZY! SHE THINKS SHE'S HELPING ME BY HARMING HERSELF! HOW DUMB OF HER! GO CALL THE AMBLUANCE NOW, AND I WILL TRY TO BUY THE MEDICINE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE TO LIQUEFY HER COAGULATED BLOOD." Caleb ran fast out of his working building. "Where are you going, Caleb? Caleb..." asked a co-worker. Caleb didn't reply and ran like a cheetah to the closest pharmacy. He slammed the door of the pharmacy saying, "I NEED Ai-Aptx medicine please." "I'm sorry mister, but it's now available now," answered the pharmacist. Caleb freaked out even more yelling, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY NOT AVAILABLE? ISN'T THAT A PHARMACY OR WHAT! HOW COME YOU DON'T HAVE THE MEDICINE I ASKED FOR!" "I am so sorry, but..." "Fine fine," said Caleb who was trying to calm down, "just tell me the name of another pharmacy I can head to." "There's a nearby pharmacy called Rose Heal. However..." "However?" "However, it's in St. Andreas street." "So?" "It's a street full of thugs, sir." "I don't care!" said Caleb as he ran out of the pharmacy building. He ran and ran until he felt the muscles of his legs about to explode. It was dark already when he reached St. Andreas street. He ran for a while until he heard someone saying, "Yo yo where you think you going?" Caleb rolled his eyes and looked backward; he found five men who looked like thugs. "The pharmacist was right," thought Caleb to himself. "Listen dudes. I'm on an emergency now, so you can take everything you want except for a $200 for my sister's medicine," said Caleb. "Pfft! I know we're uneducated, man, but we ain't that dumb mama's lil boy." Caleb got really angry and said, "YOU'RE GOING TO LET ME PASS NOW OR ELSE." "Hahahahahaha! Or else what chicken?" Caleb punched the one who was talking in the face. They got viral and started hitting him as if they were ware wolves. Caleb tried to defend himself, but they were five and he was on in the end. 

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