Chapter Nineteen

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Ty Croman paced the throne room back and forth, grinning madly.

"We've got them now..." he muttered to himself.

"Majestät! Berator Glass requests your presence outside!"

He whirled on the guard, who flinched away in fear of the fiery eyes.

"...Geh weg." Go away.

"Y-yes sir!"

Ty was no longer grinning. That woman! She thought she controlled him, he could tell. He was more powerful than she was, he was certain. She would one day bow to him, and no longer look down on him and tell him what to do. He'd show her!

Still, she was pretty smart, and she had asked him to come see her.

Come to think of it, perhaps it was because of the alarm and the Jackson boy...what was his name, Sean? Yes, and that Hindburg...

Croman stalked out of the throne room after the guard toward the loud noises and sounds of fighting. A crash and a flash of light told of Orbs in play, and he cursed and hurried his pace.

"Ty Croman! Where is that stupid-"


She whirled around with rage on her face. "What took you so long?! Two teenagers, the very two we mean to capture, I might add,are wiping through our forces with merely a lightning orb! The girl is fighting with her fists alone and taking out your so-called elite fighters left and right!" She huffed and pushed up her sleeves, turning back to face the fight. "It looks like we'll have to do this ourselves."

"Remember your place, Berator."

She stiffened and refused to look at him, expression blank and gaze locked on the slowly narrowing line of soldiers between her and the rebels.

Finally, Croman chuckled and yelled, "Rückzug!" Retreat.

Shanira spun again, with anger threatening to spill over through her eyes.

"What. Are. You. Doing."

He gave her a lazy smile. "Wouldn't want them to be too tired for when I rip them apart. Wouldn't be satisfying."

"You have got to be kidding me."

He shrugged and turned back to the now visible teenagers.

"Wie gehts, Kinder?" How are you, children?

"Wir sind nicht Kinder!" We are not children!

"Doch, ihr seid Kinder, ich denke." Yes you are, I think.

"Ty I swear to God, quit this bantering. You are supposed to be a king, not a toddler."

Ty threw up his hands in disgust. "Do you see what I have to deal with? First you people show up to rain on my parade after we couldn't capture you, and I have to deal with a power hungry subordinate! Oh, and someone broke my wall!"

Glass face palmed. "Mein Gott, haltest du den Mund nicht geschlossen?" This literally translates to 'My God, are you comfortable with your mouth not closed?' But basically means 'can you not keep your mouth shut?'

Sean started. "Someone broke through the wall?"

Sapphire looked confused. "But isn't that supposed to be impossible without an earth Orb?"

"That's what I thought too," Sean spoke up.

Before the conversation continued, however, Croman threw a fireball in their general direction. They both dodged to the left and right, Sapphire cursing as she went.

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