Chapter Three

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Ty Croman had been a boy of five when he killed his parents and imprisoned his sister.  His best friend had pushed him into it really though, so you can't really blame him all that much.  He had always been short of temper and he was simply furious at his parents for refusing him a visit to his friends because his realtives were over and he needed to spend more time with them.

To be quite fair, this was the same manipluative friend who prompted him to, and I quote, "make them pay."

Kids these days, am I right?

This friend's name was Shanira Glass. She was six at the time, but already a spiteful wench bent on world domination.

For awhile, Ty and Shanira could do nothing about his good for nothing parents.  They were IMing each other well into the night, past midnight, plotting and scheming.

Then it turned to 1:34.

Thye only sounds were those of keys clicking back and forth between the two future murderers.  The didn't notice how the wind didn't blow and the cars did not make a sound, for there were none on the road at that time of night.

All was silent  except for those two children who were not in their beds.


The fire resumed crackling and the wind blew once more, but there was a difference in them.  

The storm clouds were gathering on the horizon and the ground tremored deep within the earth, slowly making it's way to the surface.


Ty and Shanira were still clicking away and the girl was fueling the fire that grew in Croman's heart that night.

Ty felt the ground begin to shake and quickly messaged "hang on brb."

He went downstairs, running into his bleary eyed 4 year old sister, Belle.  They silently made there way downstairs, slightly scared.  They were at the bottom of the stairs when there were clangs from the kitchen as things tht were once hanging fell to the counter or ground.

Their fireplace was blazing.

Some embers were knocked for beneath the settling wood onto the rug. The ground shook violently beneath them.

The rug was blazing.

With a cry, Belle ran out the door that was thrown form its hinges and disapeared into the night.  Ty heard her cries and wanted to run after her, but figured she was probably safer out there than in here, and he had to get his parents out before the house burned down.

He ran upstair to wake them up, passing his room, computer screen stil lit with his IMs.

He paused.

He remembered.

He turned away.

He went back down the stairs.

The tremors had stopped, and the only sound that assaulted his ears was the cackling of the fire, mocking him. He stared at the mesmerizing flames for a moment, then was startled by his sister's screams and the pick up of the wind.

He tripped and fell, burning his hand.

He ran out the door.

He heard the shouts of his parents and felt a flash of pity and regret.

He heard footsteps behind him and whirled around to find Shanira with bright eyes and a smile on her face.  She was dragging Belle behind her.

Her hand was raised into the air, whipped by the wind.

Causing the wind.

Belle stared at the crumbling house with wide eyes and jerked away from Shanira, running towards the screams of her parents.  Shanira let her pull away with a superior smirk and  twisted her hand a bit.

The air pushed the fire closer to the young girl and she screamed and scurried back, crying from misery and the smoke.

Ty flung his hand out after her, only to find flames racing towards his sister.

She flung out her hands in front of her face.

The earth rumbled and rose to deflect the flames.

The screams of their parents died.

Their parents died.

Shanira twirled her hands and extinguished the flames.

Belle lowered her hands in shock and turned to stumble toward the smoldering heap that had once been her home.

She ran.

Croman and Glass made no moves to stop her.

She wove a path through the rubble to come to the spot where her parents charred corpses layed.

She collapsed to her kness, hands outstreched and tears pouring down her sooty face leaving white streaks among the grey.

Her sobs and the cracking of breaking wood peirced the night.


They left.

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