Chapter One

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A/n: Enjoy my first 5Sos fan fiction, vote and comment ;)

"No. It can't."

I continue to stare wide eyed at the tv. My best friend Blay peeks over my shoulder and squeals in my ear.

"No way! 5Sos!" She screams.

"The young teens decide to finish their senior year up at their old High School, and as you can tell, they're very excited," says the news lady.

I watch as the painfully familiar group of guys huddle around the camera.

"We're back America!" yells Luke Hemmings in his oh so familiar husky accent.

"Remember when we were best friends in middle school!?" Blay yelped, her hazel blue green eyes widening with excitement.

I nod slowly, trying not to remember. "Y-yeah... This is terrible, they can't come back, they just can't."


"They aren't our friends Blay, don't you remember what they did to us?" My voice cracks slightly.

I see the remembrance in her eyes when her smile fades. "Oh yeah... I-I'm sure the fame just got out of control. I bet they remember us, that's why they're coming back!"

She was so optimistic, but I can't be like that in this situation. They caused so much pain, I can't just forgive them. They probably don't even remember me, why would they want to anyway? They're famous, they don't need me.

"Don't get your hopes up," I tell her, pushing myself away from the table.

I quickly turn off the tv and grab my backpack with Blay following behind me.

"Come on Hazel, they'll remember, they've got to," she urges, walking out the door behind me.

"We need to get there early, there'll be so many people today," I mumble, quickening my pace.

Blay gets the idea and fortunately changes the subject. Just as I suspected, the whole school was surrounded. There were people I haven't even seen before. They were all screaming and hollering, I covered my ears as I pushed past them. I just wanted to get to class, this was ridiculous. Two girls blocked my path, screaming their heads off. They weren't even here yet!

"Excuse me," I say, moving myself through them.

When I reach the doors, I can see that even the people in school are crowding in big bunches. Blay and I move in quickly, clawing our way through.

"Wow I didn't know this many people that go to our school like 5Sos," Blay mused.

I laughed bitterly,"These people don't even go to our school."

Blay and I finally reach our first class. It doesn't surprise me when it's only us and the teacher. Mrs. Snipe spins slowly in her chair, marking out names on her booklet.

"I'm glad you girls decided to come to class. The others will surely be counted absent. Just because some boy band shows up doesn't give them an excuse to miss education," she rambled on.

I just took out my biology book and a pencil, glancing at the clock. I wonder if this is how class will be like for the rest of the day? As time passes little by little people start to fill the classroom. When they do all I hear is 5Sos and the names that hit my heart like a knife. I'm relieved when class ends and I can move away from these fangirls. But even my next class is just the same. More talk about 5Sos. Blay slips into a chair next to me and smiles weakly.

"Is it bad that I want to see them again?" She asks quietly.

Of course it is! I want to scream, but I just shrug. "I don't care."

Time goes by very slowly, I can't concentrate on anything because all I hear is people talking about 5Sos. With frustration I march to lunch with Blay behind me. Of course the lunchroom is packed with squealing girls. I can barely get to the lunch ladies without people screaming in my ears. Blay is lost in the crowd now, crap. When I get my lunch tray, girls are swarming around in front of me. They just stand there, yelling and squealing in their high pitched voices.

"Please can you move?" I say loudly.

One of the girls turn to me and scoff," They are 5Sos. I am not moving."

She turns back around. I mock her before pushing through them with force. I'll have to deal with them everyday. I look around the cafeteria, I can barely see over anyone. Everyone is crowded around the tables, there is no way I'm standing up and eating. Finally I decide to just screw it and shove myself through. I bump shoulders and hit people in the back. It's almost like I can't breathe when they start pushing up against me.

Then I decide to use my tray as a weapon and push people with it. I jab them in the back and sides, that seems to get them moving. Up ahead I see a group of people quarreling fiercely. I knew I made a mistake, but it's too late now. I'm being sucked into the crowd toward the fighting and fuss. The people behind me are pushing me forward and my tray is slipping through my fingertips.

Someone in front of me jerks around taking my plate with them. But I try holding on to it, which just makes it worse. My mash potatoes fly up and hit my shirt and the guy in front of me. My peas and soggy pork chops hit me in the face along with the poor victim.

"Shit," I cuss, dropping my tray with bang.

I look up and my heart literally stops. He looks at me with wide eyes, the mash potatoes staining his turquoise shirt and black jacket. I instantly step back with shock and hands up in defense. His lips curve upward when remembrance sparks in his sky blue eyes. It's him, standing in front of me. I tried so hard to avoid him but he's right here.


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