Chapter Six

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I was glad to get to school, for once in my life. Anything to get away from Luke, I had to get my feelings straight. I headed to Mrs. Snipe and forgot about my bag. I stopped just before I got to the classroom. I was going to go hunt Luke down before I was grabbed by someone.

"Looking for this?" Said the familiar voice.

Michael grinned at me, holding out my bag. I sighed in relief before taking it.

"Thanks Mikey," I grin back, slinging my backpack on one shoulder.

He chuckles," Welcome. Say you wanna go out for pizza tonight?"

I was going to turn back to class when I heard him say this. I gulp, was he asking me out?

"Uhm... I don't know," I rub my arm.

"If you don't want to that's fine," he says sadly.

I hate seeing Michael sad, it's like slapping a puppy across the face.

"No no, I'll go, pick me up around 7?" I ask.

He nods happily,"Yas ma'am! Bye Hazel."

I wave and escape to my class. Blay is the only one here today, and some other girl that I've never seen before. She stands in front of the classroom while Mrs. Snipe sits behind her desk. A frown is plastered on her face, she has long light brown hair with a green streak. I look at her for a few seconds and smile but she doesn't return it. Mrs. Snipe sees me walk in and grins, gesturing to the girl in front of her desk.

"Miss Paisley, this is our new student Lexi Jenner," she chirps.

I smile and she nods at me.

"I'll need you too take her around," Mrs. Snipe explains.

I nod,"Alright."

Me and her both sit down in desks, Lexi sitting on my right and Blay on my left.

"Dude you're on the news," Blay blurts.

I snap my head toward her,"What?"

Quickly, without Mrs. Snipe looking, she takes out her phone and shows me pictures. I squint to get a better look and realize that they're picture of me, Luke, Ashton, and Michael. There's one with Luke in his van at my house and another one with Ashton. There's a picture of me hiding behind the dumper with Michael and Luke giving me my bag. I read the headline," Mystery 5Sos Girl."

Now I'm really noticed and no ones going to leave me alone. I groan and let my head fall on the desk.

"I saw that too, I thought you were her but I didn't want to say anything," says Lexi, who's looking at the pictures on Blay's phone.

Blay leans into me and whispers," me and Calum are in hiding."

I lift my head up slightly and look at her with slight confusion. "What?"

A big smile is plastered on her face as she twirls her hair around her pointer finger.

"Me and Calum are dating," she says quietly.

"Wow that happened fast,"I blinked.

Blay nods rapidly," As soon as we saw each other we snuck off and made out in the janitors closet."

"Way to go Blay," I chuckle.

Her face grows serious now when she looks at me.

"But what about you? Are you with Luke? Or Ashton? Michael?" She questions.

I rub my temples,"I'm not dating any of them. We're just friends."

She snorts,"Hah yeah sure."

"W-we are!" I squeak.

But as I say this I can still remember what Luke said to me this morning. And about me and Michael's pizza date.  Plus Ashton and I going off to the garage together. I slump in my desk, what am I going to do?

Stop seeing Luke or it'll get worse.

I take out my phone and show Blay the latest text message. She glares and crosses her arms.

"You don't need to worry Hazel, I'll be there," Blay huffs.

I giggle,"Ok you can be my back up."

• ~ •

After class I was stopped in the hall by Luke, the last guy I wanted to see. He puts his arms out to stop me but I try to walk around him. It doesn't work.

"Wait Hazel stop," he says, grabbing my waist and pulling me back.

I scowl,"Luke I have to get to class."

"Can you stop acting like I'm the worse person in the world? I just want to see you," He mumbles.

I take out my phone and show him the pictures of me, him, Ashton, and Michael.

"I'm all over the news as the mystery 5sos girl," I grumble.

"How is that a bad thing?"

I flail my arms around, exasperated.

"What do you mean how is that a bad thing? Everyone is going to hate me! I got another message this morning telling me to stop seeing you," I almost yell.

He doesn't looked unfazed, I actually see his mouth curve upward.

"We're seeing each other?" Luke asks.

He did not, I literally got my biology book and beat him with it.

"You. Inconsiderate. Jerk," I say between hits.

"Okay stop sorry," he takes my book.

"I need that," I try taking it back.

Luke holds it above me, he's so much taller than me. I try to jump but it doesn't help.

He looks down at me,"I'm not giving it back until you listen to me."

I cross my arms. "You have ten seconds."

"I know you're scared but I swear I won't let anything happen to you," he says slowly.

I look at him, trying to keep a straight face. Finally I just sigh.

"I don't know Luke, I need time to think about this, meet me on the Pier tonight?" I suggest.

He smiles and hands me my book, his eyes glistening. "Alright, tonight at eight."

We part ways with him moving my hair from my face. He looks me in the eyes but I look away and mumble a bye. When I enter class Lexi is sitting in the back. Since Blay and I aren't in the same class I decided to sit with her.

"Hi Lexi," I grin, setting my bag down.

She nods,"Hi."

I try to pay attention but all I can think about is Luke, the news, and those stupid messages. But especially what Luke told me this morning. That he wouldn't forget me again.

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