Chapter Four

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"Wow Ashton, did you do all this?" I ask in awe.

I look at the garage filled with band equipment and at two green sofas against the wall. There was a coffee table and a couple of magazines laying on it along with a pizza box and cups. There's also a laptop and huge speakers connected to it. I poke my nose around, looking at the very nice and expensive laptop.

"This is so cool," I grin, seeing Michael and Calum as the screensaver.

Ashton walks behind me, his breath against my neck. "Yeah, the other guys are out doing who knows what. So it'll just be me and you."

I feel awkward, so I turn my attention to his drums. I walk over to them and tap it with my fingertip.

"You're a really good drummer," I say, looking at my reflection through the symbols.

He sits down on his little chair in front of the drums and takes his sticks from a container sitting on the floor.

"Thanks," he grins, playing his drums now.

I sit on the couch and watch him. He's really good actually, everything seems so per event when he plays. No wonder he's famous. Ashton watched me and I smile at him. When he's finished, I can see the sweat on his face and hair. He stands and comes to sit by me. I grin at him and ruffle his hair.

"Ew you're sweating," I laugh.

He nuzzles his head on my shoulder,"Ashton sweat."

I cringe and wipe my shoulder off. He laughs at me.

"I'm sorry Hazel," Ashton says suddenly.


He leans forward and leans his elbows on his legs.

"I said I'm sorry, real sorry. I was stupid when I let the famous junk get to me. I always had you in the back of my mind," Ashton smiles sadly.

I squish my legs together tightly and fold my hands in my lap. Staring at the floor, I can feel his eyes on me.

"Really?" I ask, turning my head just a little.

I feel like he gets closer, his legs are now touching mine.

"Yeah really, I'm sorry Hazel," Ashton said, looking at me.

I look at him now and smile slightly. "I'm glad. I'm still a little hurt though."

He nods,"I understand. It can't be fixed in one day, takes time."

I just nod along with him and let him talk. "And I hope that being around you more makes you feel a little more comfortable."

Ashton gently takes a strand of my brown hair in his palm and twirls it around between his fingertips. I just smile at him, and he smiles back. I realize how close we're getting, it's like I'm being pulled toward him. I look at his hair, his dirty blonde locks that fell around his face perfectly. His cute little bandana wrapped around his head and that muscle shirt that had rips around it. Ashton certainly did have that cool rocker vibe.

I swore we were about to get closer but the garage door swung open. I whirled my head to see Luke standing there in the light. He's fixated on me and Ashton, his arm holding up the garage door. I can literally see the veins throbbing when he does this. His eyes are squinted slightly when he walks in. I stare at him, I feel Ashton drop the strand of hair that was once between his fingertips.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asks in a voice I've never heard him use before.

Ashton stands before I do, I keep to myself on the sofa. Luke looks at me and at Ashton.

"We were just hanging out," he says.

Luke crossed his arms," Hazel can you come with me real with?"

I stand up slowly with an arched eyebrow,"Where?"

"Just for a drive."

I nod,"Alright."

"Are you sure that's safe?" Ashton asks me.

"She's perfectly fine with me," Luke snapped slightly.

I smile awkwardly," I'll be fine Ashton."

He nods as Luke and I make an exit. I glance at Ashton. He stands there, his drum sticks clenched in his fist. Staring at me, Luke leaves with me, closing the garage door. I get into the van and put my seatbelt on. When he gets in, Luke just stares momentarily at the mirror.

"Are you ok?" I ask gently.

"I'm fine," he says when he turns on the car.

We start driving in silence, nothing but the sound of the van. I still have no idea where we're going. I glance at Luke, his face has grown serious.

"You wanna talk?" I ask him finally.

"It feels like you and Ashton are hiding something from me," he says quickly.

"What? No, he's just worried about me," I tell him.

I forgot I didn't show him the messages. But I don't think it's a good idea, he'll probably get upset.

"Why? He knows I wouldn't let anything happen to you," Luke sighs.

I just shrug.

"You know that don't you?" He asks, glancing at me.

"Yeah..." I mumble.

"Look I'm sorry ok?" Luke says slightly frustrated.

I look at him now," What's wrong with you?"

He shakes his head. "So you're not going to accept my apology but you'll accept Ashton's?"

"What do you have against Ashton?" I scowl.

"That's not the point. I'm sorry I forgot about you. But you can't shut me out just because I hurt you're feelings," Luke tells me seriously.

I was shocked, did he really just say that? I turned to him in my seat with arms crossed.

"Ok I'm not shutting you out Luke. The only reason why I'm uncomfortable is because those stupid girls at school are sending me threat texts because of you," I snap.

Luke is silent for a second before he pulls off at the City Pier. He gets out and leans against the van with his hands, his back is to the sun and his face is toward the van. I sit there, staring at the sunset with crossed arms. How could he jump to conclusions so quickly? Plus he really did hurt me, he just doesn't understand. I glance out the window and after a few minutes I open the door and get out. I take my phone scroll through the messages.

"The price you pay for being famous," I say bluntly.

Luke slowly turns to me and takes my phone, reading them. He frowns, his eyes scanning the screen. I put my hands on my hips and stare at him, waiting for his reaction.

Luke hands me back my phone,"Sorry."

"That's it?" I glare.

He just stares at me.

"Take me home," I sigh exasperated.

I get back into the van and shut the door. A few minutes later Luke climbs in and speeds off. When we reach my house he turns off the car. I get out slowly, but not alone. Luke follows behind me and stops me, grabbing my arm. He pulls me toward him firmly and looks me in the eyes. Is... Is he going to... Luke leans in and tilts his head, as if about to kiss me. But I stop him, pulling my body back, away from his grasp.

"Stop. I can't," I tell him before turning around and running back to the house.

I don't look back and slam the door behind me. I'm tired of this shit. He can't just get into an argument with me and then try to kiss me. I throw myself on the bed and realize that my bag is gone. Again. I look up at the ceiling and stare for a while before my phone buzzes. I don't even want to look, but I do anyway.

Bad things happen to little girls who walk home alone. Too bad Luke won't be by you this time.

I don't even care anymore.

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