Chapter Five

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Roses are red, violets are blue. He's for me and not for you. If by chance you take my place, I'll take my fist and mash your face :)

I tried to ignore it, I can't do anything about it anyway. I didn't feel good at all this morning, I had a weird stomach turning feeling every time I thought about Luke. Which I shouldn't, he was a jerk to me. But even as I try to be angry at him, I keep turning back to his smile and laugh. When I get outside there's the van parked out in the street. My spirits are slightly lifted, due to the thought that it was Ashton. However when I got a closer look, I saw that it was Luke. The last person I wanted to see right now.

I wanted to scream at him or slap him. But I couldn't, he was sleeping so soundly and softly. My lips slowly went up in a smile, even though my brain wanted to rip out his adorable lip ring. I reach my hand out and stroke his hair, he's breathing softly, with a content look on his face. He looked peaceful and, dare I say it, cute. My stomach fluttered, but I had to go to school. I really didn't want to drive with him, so I had to at least tell him I wasn't so he wouldn't stay out here and miss school just because of me.

"Luke," I whisper, nudging him gently.

He moves a little but doesn't wake up.

"Luke wake up," I say louder.

Everything is still until his hand shoots up and grabs my wrist. I try pulling away, but his grip is strong and it starts to hurt when he tightens.


He groans and mumbles things before I slap him with my other hand. With a jolt he lets go and sits up in surprise.

"What?" He asks, still half dozed off.

I rub my sore wrist which has his hand marks on it. I look at him and he has his eyes glued to my wrist.

"Oh my gosh Hazel I'm so sorry," Luke breathed.

I nodded bluntly,"It's fine."

He tries to take my hand and see the damage but I move away quickly.

"What are you doing here," I ask.

Luke shifts in his seat uncomfortably,"I wanted to drive you to school."

"I can walk."

As I turn around and start walking on the sidewalk, he gets out of the van and follows me.

"Hazel I'm sorry I tried-"

"Kissing me? Yeah. Yeah I know," I turn to him.

"I just didn't know what got over me."

"Isn't that what all guys say?" I questioned him.

"But really I mean it. And I'm sorry about how I acted yesterday, I should of cared more about your wellbeing."

"If you cared you wouldn't be here," I cross my arms irritably.

"Nobody can stop me from being with you."

My heart jumps, what is he trying to say? I hide my shock with a frown and cross my arms, I'm shaking.

"No. But I can."

I turn back around and start walking. He doesn't give up and keeps following me. I push by and keep walking, but this time Luke plants himself firmly in front of me. Instead of his stupid grin he has a serious and intimidating look. I stop and look at him, he's at least four inches taller than me, either I'm really short or he's really tall. I remember when we were younger and we were both the same height. Things change.

"And Ashton can be with you?" Luke quirks an eyebrow.


"He drove you to school yesterday and took you to our garage. You were alone with him."

"So? What's your problem Luke?" I snap, tired of his attacks toward Ashton.

"Are you guys...?" He frowns.

I slap him on the chest," What? No! W-we're just friends..."

Luke crossed his arms, he doesn't believe me. "I know you Hazel. I can tell by the way you look at him. You like him."

Do I like Ashton? Well yes I find him attractive but...

"And why do you care if I like him Luke?" I ask, exasperated now.

He steps closer and grabs me firmly around the waist, pulling me toward him. I look up at him and see that he's looming over me. I place my hands over his and grab onto them to remove them. However my grip loosens when I look into those sea blue eyes of his. You could get lost in them.

"Luke, what are you-"

"I haven't felt like this in a while Hazel," he said huskily.

I blink,"What?"

"I mean the way you make me feel."

My throat tightens and my stomach twists. I feel light headed, the words repeating over and over again through my head like a broken record. The way I make him feel.

"Luke... I'm going to be late for school, just drive me and we can talk about this later," I say lowly.

He stares at me for a few seconds, we were merely an inch away, our bodies almost touching. But he drops his hands and rubs the back of his neck stressfully. He doesn't say anything and walks back to the van. I sigh and follow him, getting in hesitantly.

"I just want to say,"Luke starts," that I don't want to forget you."

I look at him and scan his face. He has a blank look on his face but I can see the sincerity and another emotion that I can't name in his eyes. He doesn't turn to me.

"Not again."

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