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I hugged my mom as I left the house.

"I will see you tonight mom," I said to her. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and I headed out the door. I climbed into my car and drove to the fire station. Once I pulled in I was greeted by my co workers.

"Hey youngsta," said my partner and boyfriend Danny as he got out of his car. I quickly got out and gave him a hug.

"Ready for a great day?" He asked me with a smirk. 

"Any day with you is a great day," I responded to him returning the smirk. I always loved working with him, we made a great team and I have always been so grateful to him that he helped me become a firefighter. 


The day we met I was a hot mess. I woke up late and was rushing towards class. I probably should have just gone to class  but I needed my coffee to get through my difficult and torturous classes.

I was just a frazzled student in college and he had just got a job at the fire station. Being in such a rush I hurried into the cafe, not paying attention to where I was going. I had banged into him, dropping all my papers that I needed for class. He bent down and helped me pick them up, he was quite the gentleman even then. As he handed my notes back to me we made eye contact for what seemed like an eternity. His eyes were a gorgeous ocean blue and I automatically knew that I was lost at sea. He kept his hand extended after handing me my papers. I will never forget how smooth he was. 

"I'm Daniel, and you are beautiful," he had said to me, his smile brightening up the entire cafe. I started blushing since this type of flirting was so unexpected to me. I then extended my hand and shook his soft hand. 

"I'm Trisha." I finally managed to say as we were still both kneeling on the ground, the papers in my other hand and my eyes still marvelling over his face.  

"Well, I got to go to work now. Are you free 2pm today, for a coffee here?" Daniel asked me. 

"Sure, I'll see you then," I responded, trying to remain cool as I internally freaked out. We finally stood to our feet and I got to check his body out for a quick second before he left the cafe. I know from then I had his sexy body and gorgeous eyes imprinted into my mind.

I totally forgot about my coffee craving and giddily left the cafe so I could tell my best friends about the sudden turn of events.  

That afternoon I met him at 2pm in the cafe. When I walk in, late as usual, he was already sitting down with two coffees, staring off into space. I approached him and once he saw me he smiled his great big smile. His teeth were so white, I couldn't get over how perfect they looked. 

"Hello beautiful," he said to me. Every time since then he has called me that and I have always blushed like crazy. 

"Hi Daniel, how was your day?" I asked, smiling. 

"Better that I'm with you," he said with a smirk playing on his lips, "and call me Danny." 

"Ok, Danny." Earning another smirk and wink he bit his lip and began inquiring about my life. I didn't realize that before this date we literally knew nothing about each other, except our same taste in local coffee shops. 

"So what do you do for a living?"

"I'm in my second year of university," I replied. 

"Really? You look so much older, no offence," he said flashing me a smile. I could feel him checking me out again, which made me blush again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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