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A hall, Not just any hall. The Golden Hall of Heros. A hall displaying all of history recognized by the great Golden Nation. If you have no idea what you are reading, don't worry. Because this is the one place where all of this universe's history is perfectly presented from second 1 to current events. Statues of the greatest heros and Prophet Kings decorate this long hall. In time, all shall be clear. Because in The Golden Nation, we always strive for enlightenment.

Who would start anywhere else than the beginning of all things? Before all else, through ways that are impossible for mortals to currently understand, there existed only 2 beings. The one god many would describe as a man. Tall, broad shoulders, and bright strong brilliant eyes. The other has always been described as a woman. Tall, long hair, and kind, also brilliant eyes. In every interaction they have different attires. Gods, in more ways than just one, are different than mortals. They can chose their form. So one can only assume this is how they most feel comfortable. They were in love, as words can only describe, and what they wanted to do was to create things with each other. So they joined and in both less than a second, and more than an eternity, they created the past, the present, and the future. The canvas of known reality, and they created the divine gods that created the planets also known as the First Elder Gods. These gods looked nothing like anything but the elements that they used to create worlds.

The eldest was Oeh (Pronounced Oh), the second eldest was Eyhe (Pronounced Ee), and the youngest of the three was Iyae (Pronounced A). Oeh was the metallic solids that based each planet, along with its vegetation. Eyhe was the hot fiery elements that serve as the heart of each planet. Iyae was the mystic elements that infuse each planet with powerful characteristics that we have yet fully understood. These beings were far larger than any celestial body they created. They were powerful, but lacked will and direction, controlled not by minds, but by their instinct to create.

The Mother God told the Father God, "My soul, my heart, my existence, our children are mighty, but they do without thought, their creations clutter the canvas we have given them. Please, make it so we can properly marvel at our creations' art." The Father God could only agree. Not just because she spoke of pure truth, but also because he had pledged to her that anything she desired, it would become his unquestionable duty to deliver. So the Father God said to his queen, "My queen, my jewel, you are both my mistress and my subject. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you." With that he clapped his hands once and established the Law of Gravity. He used this as a tool to perfectly organize the planets with stars to keep them in place. Creating systems, galaxies, and enormous systems of galaxies stretching into infinity. The Mother God saw her husband's work and was more than just impressed. She simply had to do something to match her king's gift to her, and so she organized time. She designed it in a way that can only compare in design to a tree. With every outcome creating a new branch containing other branches. This bore many philosophies later in time.

Creation was clockwork. The Elder Gods create a planet, The Father God would place it in a perfect spot, and The Mother God would place its existence in the tree of realities. After trillions of maleni the Elder Gods' strength waned. They created their finale planet, and left existence. Oeh withered and became the final planets moon. Eyhe became dim, and turned into a violet star existing only in a small branch of reality. Iyae became unstable and exploded, its power going throughout the universe. This power would eventually be used by beings later in time.

The parent Gods were devastated, they did not want their children's art to be in vain, so they bore three more Elder Gods. It was the duty of these beings to create creatures to inhabit the seemingly infinite planets created by their siblings. These Elder Gods had personalities and each created specific types of creatures that fit them. Lyui (Pronounced Lie-yay) created aviaries, and fish, Lyui's favorite creation was the Eagle, it looked most like her. She held herself to a hard to like high standard. Yhol, created the large violent beasts, he liked the polar bear. He loved the aspects of battle and strength. The last was Hoil (Pronounced Howl). He created intelligent prey and predators. He valued INtelligence, wisdom, and loyalty above all else. He favored the wolf. They populated nearly every planet. Things were peaceful, but peace is hard to keep when minds differ.

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