°°Chapter Seven°°

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"WHAT?!" She asks angrily directing her attention at me.

"Yeah. I wasn't supposed to tell you but yeah know how that shit goes!" I say smirking.I see her struggle and have like a mental argument with herself. My smirk grew. My lie was perfect! Kaylin wasn't planning this, Kaylin wasn't even supposed to go to the meeting but when we told our boss the plan he couldn't resist. None of us could. I did what Harry wanted and got stuck inside her head.

"You're lying! She-she wouldn't do that to me!" She shouts. I smirk. She's starting to doubt their friendship! Perfect!

"Or would she? How well do you know Kaylin? I mean she could have used you for popularity, she could be faking it, who knows! Your friendship could mean nothing to her!" I say seriously.

"Fuck you!" She mutters walking past me into the dining room and plopping herself down in a seat. I smirk. My plan worked. She and Kaylin won't be friends for a while.

We stay in complete silence which gives me time to actually take in her looks and appearance. She had long thick curly brown hair and bright beautiful eyes. I thought they were green? They must change colors. She was very skinny and short. It's not like she wanted to be like that. By the way she eats she makes it look like she wants to be 50 pounds bigger! When she smirked and smiled her dimples showed clearly. She was beautiful. I know all the boys want her.

I keep thinking and then my thoughts go to Kaylin. Her shoulder length dirty blond hair, brown eyes, her smile and laugh, she was taller than Jordyn but that's not saying much. Jordyn's like 4' 11... Kaylin looks like 5'3 but she's probably a little taller. I don't know what it is about her but it seems like no one likes her in that way....

"So why does Kaylin get to go with them and not me?" She asks. I was about to tell the truth but I caught myself.

"Because she works with us," I say emotionless. If Kaylin really worked with us I don't know what I'd do. Shoot myself maybe?

"No! She doesn't!" Jordyn says suddenly regaining her confidence that she lost a few minutes ago.

"Sorry Jordyn. Don't be in denial. You'll work with us soon," I say. Talk about a living hell! If Jordyn worked with us I would commit suicide!

"I will NEVER work with you guys! And why would you want me to? I'm making your guys' lives a living hell right now!" She states. I could not agree more! She was too! She pretty much got Harry wrapped around her finger which scares me. He's the leader, he can't gain feelings.

"Quit yelling Bitch!" I say monotone.



"Really?! A bitch?! I am not have you met Kaylin!" I quickly cover my mouth after I said that. How could I call my best friend that? He smirks.

"Sorry... you're right," He says smirking. Ugh! He's torture! Just like Styles!

"So... why does she get to go everywhere with you guys? I get to go nowhere! Except outside every now and then!" I say winking referring to my multiple escapes.

"Because she's nothing like you! If we took you somewhere you would try and escape, be snappy, be sassy, you're hard to work with! So we have our reasons we don't take you places, and don't be shocked princess, you know you're a brat when needed to be!" He says winking. I felt disgusted when he called me princess.

"That's why I should get to go! To prove you guys wrong, you know what I mean prince?" I say winking. He blushes. HAHA! Don't flatter yourself Niall I'm just flirty.

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