Chapter 11

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Before we begin I would like to thank all of you readers. Although 102 reads isn't a lot, I am very thankful to be known on wattpad a little bit. Anyways, to clarify any confusion, the video above is the sound of a mountain lion/Cougar/ puma roaring and hissing. Since the main character, Nyx, shows the attributes of a cat or Feline creature, I searched for a perfect roar that would fit her. And I found one. I do recommend that you listen to it. It's such a cool sound. Oh, and by the way, I made this battle longer than the one in the movie Anyways, on with the story!


"My silence is not weakness but the beginning of my revenge."


Guilt, anger, hatred.

She stormed down the halls towards her chambers.

Guilt and regret was for the weak. And she was anything but weak. She had been trained to be fearless of anything, yet her walls were slowly crumbling, because of him.

The bed seemed to call to her as she entered, but she ran straight to the Refresher. Perhaps a hot shower would-

Her eyes noticed a large mirror placed above the sink and it felt like a match had been lit inside her-a fuse-an explosive set to go off at any moment.

In a fit of rage she threw everything off of her sink and tore off her mask, leaving her in just her hood. With chest heaving, she slammed her fist into the mirror shattering it and causing the shards of metal to cut open her hand. But she hardly noticed it as she slammed her hand repeatedly against the broken mirror, oblivious to the crimson red blood dripping down her arm and into the sink.

She screamed and threw off her hood, revealing her face in the broken mirror. Her skin was sickly pale, and there were dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. The days of meager helpings of food were starting to take its toll on her for she looked gaunt. Not at all like the woman she used to be.

Maybe I should sleep more, she thought to herself. It could prove to be most useful.

Her door suddenly opened and she scrambled to put her mask and hood back on. Right as she was tying the cloth over her mouth, Kylo appeared in the doorway.

"I felt your distress," he stated, his glassy black eyes fell upon the shattered mirror and the flecks of blood spattered on the sink and floor. "Don't tell me-"

Nyx silenced him with a wave of her good hand and shrugged her shoulders. "So I got a little angry, there's no need to worry."

He grabbed her shoulders and forced her to sit on the tile floor. Nyx gave a yelp of protest.

"I'm fine Kylo!"

But he ignored her and sat down in front of her and took her battered hand in his own. The shards of metal had sliced through her glove along with her flesh. Blood started to coat his glove as well. "You're bleeding."

Nyx yanked her hand out of his. "I didn't notice," she said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes. But to her great irritation, Kylo grabbed her hand again and slid off her glove before examining the multiple cuts across her hand.

"I recommend seeing that it gets medical attention," Kylo advised sternly. "It could get infected thus resulting in amputation."

"Ha!" She snorted. "I appreciate your concern but I assure you, medical attention is not necessary. I am not exactly human which means that my injuries heal at a much faster rate than humans."

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