Chapter 46

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"I don't feel evil anymore."



The darkness of the night crawled in and Poe quickly tried to start a fire. "Damn thing," He muttered, using two sharp rocks to create sparks, but it wasn't working so far. "Come on, work." Suddenly, he felt a blast of heat and he fell backwards onto the ground, the rocks rolled from his hands. "What the—?!" His gaze fell upon the blazing fire and he looked around to see who had lit it, but then he noticed the creature looking at him from across the campfire with an almost smug look on its scaly face.

"Stop moving Antaru!" Nyx scolded as she tried to apply a paste (A mix of herbs, water, and a bit of mud) onto the creature's wound. "It will only hurt worse if you move."

"That thing has a name?" Poe asked.

"Does this surprise you pilot?" Nyx said. "The reason why Antaru attacked you in the first place is because you awoke him. If you have not already noticed, Antaru is very irritable when he is awoken too early from his evening nap."

The fire crackled and the forest was filled with the sounds of the creatures of the night. Poe wrapped his arms around himself and shivered as a cool breeze filtered through the trees. Nyx seemed to notice for she stood and placed her cloak on his shoulders. For a second, he was in shock. He had never known Darth Nyx to be kind.

"Uh...thank you," He murmured, wrapping the cloak tightly around his body as Nyx walked back over to Antaru and laid against its side.

She simply nodded and looked in a different direction.

" and're kinda close am I right?" Poe was trying to start a conversation and break the awkward silence and tension between them. "You two spend a lot of time together I've noticed."

"He was the one...friend I had for eight years. Of course we are going to spend a lot of time together. He was the only person I knew I could trust," Nyx said softly. "You should rest. I'll stand watch." She stood with her back to him and one hand placed on the creature's side.

"Why do you wear that hood so much? What do you have to hide?" Poe realized his mistake the minute the words left his mouth. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to get personal."

Nyx had stiffened and her hand had fallen to her side. He watched her shoulders rise and fall with every shaky breath and she turned around to face him with her eyes burning like coals. "I wear this hood so no one can look upon the face of a murderer," She said sharply. "I wear this hood because it is the last tie to my mother." Her fingers played with it. "It's something you will never understand."

There was a moment of silence, and then Poe spoke softly. "Who was your mother?"

"Her name was Adiss," Nyx said, her voice just barely above a whisper. "She was the most beautiful woman...dark eyes...fair skin...thick lashes..." Nyx trailed off and turned away from him abruptly. "But she was taken from sand and rocks being pulled out to sea."

"I'm sorry for you loss," Poe murmured.

"You are not the one that took her from me," Nyx said bitterly, her hands balled into fists and she turned to look at him again and Poe realized, for the first time, what Nyx was. She was broken, cast aside like an old toy. Betrayed and forgotten. "I know what you're thinking," she said in a hoarse voice. "That I'm weak, that I'm evil, that I'm heartless and cruel. And I am...but I don't feel evil anymore." As Poe stepped closer she backed away and shook her head angrily. "Why am I telling you this? What am I doing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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