Chapter 15

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"When you look at the Dark Side, careful you must be...for the Dark Side looks back."



The instant his shuttle landed in the, now repaired, hangar he was rushed away with an oxygen mask placed over his mouth and nose. Nyx watched him as he disappeared around the corner, probably going to the medical bay. Seconds later, the Finalizer leaped into lightspeed.

"The Resistance will pay for this," she spat with her fists clenched by her sides. Then in a whirl of black, she was gone.


Kylo had passed out shortly after he had been rushed off to the medical bay. But now he was slowly coming to.

The sound of a heart monitor beeped next him, and he could feel bandages wrapped around his face, shoulders, and his stomach. Had he really been wounded that bad? The bandaged man grunted as he shifted into a more comfortable position.

The door suddenly hissed open and Nyx walked in. Her black robes were torn and he could see blood stains—his blood-spattered on her clothes. Clearly she didn't feel the need to change.

"Is this really necessary?" He asked gesturing at the bandages covering his body.

She didn't say a word as she slowly walked over to him and sat down in a seat next to his bed. She played with his blanket. "I was...fearful of your safety." The black hood that concealed her hair was pulled back slightly so that her piercing Amber eyes were visible. "You were covered in blood Kylo."

"Are you saying that you care for me?" Kylo said in a mostly teasing tone but he was being serious at the same time. "You know that the Supreme Leader is against all compassionate relationships."

Nyx shook her head. "I know that...I...I don't know what I'm feeling lately. It's strange. I have not felt such emotions as powerful as the ones that I feel. The only thing that is closest to it is rage and hatred. The Dark Side is the only thing I've ever known." She looked into his dark eyes. "I'm frightened. Not just for myself but for you as well."

Kylo didn't know what came over him. His hand just reached out and grasped hers—the bandaged one.

The woman let out a small yelp of suprise. "Kylo!" She gently pulled her hand out of his grip, ignoring the warmth she felt when she touched him. "I cannot go against my master's rules. The punishment would surely be severe."

He nodded, a lock of black hair fell in his eyes and acted like a screen to hide his emotions. "Forgive me. I do not know what came over me. Perhaps it's the aftershock of my father's death."

You mean murder, Nyx thought coldly. Thankfully her thoughts were hidden from him. "You've been through an awful ordeal. Maybe I should leave you alone to your thoughts."

"No." He stopped her before she could get up from her seat. "Please stay. I enjoy your company, it's rather pleasant."

"Pleasant?" She stared at him incredulously. "Now that's one I have not heard yet."

He gave a small chuckle which ended with him hissing with pain and coughing.

"Careful," she told him. "You might damage your wounds further."

He sat back down as his coughing passed. "I'm fine. When am I free to leave?"

"As soon as you've been healed properly, you may leave. But for now, you are staying right here."

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