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In Harry Potter/Percy Jackson crossovers:
~ Why are they all in Gryffindor? I can see Percy in there, but Leo? Nico? Thalia? Seriously? I'm pretty sure they aren't all in the same house...they all have different personalities!


Tom Riddle: even me?

The Sorting Hat: EVERYONE!

Tom Riddle: but I think there is a mistake...I should be-


~ How can they be demigods and witches/wizards? Are they all Muggleborns? Well, in order for this to work, they'd have to be, unless their non godly parent is a witch or wizard.

~ If they were on an undercover mission, wouldn't only one or two demigods go? But nooooooo, let's send about twenty...yeah, that's smart.

Percy: okay, let's go help Harry Potter!

Chiron: oh, and by the way, we will be sending, like, five more demigods to you every chapter.

Percy: *shrugs* he'll never know we are demigods...

Yeah, because Harry Potter is oblivious and doesn't have a friend named HERMIONE GRANGER!!!!!

~Speak of that, why is Harry Potter being protected? HE IS FREAKING HARRY POTTER AND HAS  AMAZING FRIENDS CALLED DUMBLEDOOR'S ARMY!!!!!

~ Why do the demigods always fight with the Hogwarts students? I mean, I can actually seeing them getting along.  Hectate did kind of create magic...

~ Why do the demigods always use their powers openly? I thought it was UNDERCOVER? Plus, why are they always trying to intimidate the witches and wizards? All the Hogwarts students have to do is AVADA KERDAVERA! And Percy isn't usually one to purposely show off...

~ Lemme guess,  the enemy is...wait for it...KRONOS AND VOLDEMORT!!! Surprising, right? I wonder how they got put back together? Being smashed to pieces seems pretty least longer than that...

~ Why do they always sacrifice food to the gods? UNDERCOVVVEERRR! Still, it isn't like they do that in the school cafeteria. Plus, I don't recall a burning furnace in the Great Hall.

Percy: *pulls out a lighter*

Leo: dude, what are you doing?

Harry: yeah, I was about to ask the same thing...why do you keep a lighter in you robes anyway?

Leo: I was going to ask why didn't you just say you needed fire! *lights hands on fire*

Harry: AHHHHHHHHHH!!! *chaos everywhere*

~ if it is undercover, why do the teachers at Hogwarts have to know that they are demigods...doesn't that defeat the point of (do I have to say it again?) UNDERCOVERRRRRR?

Hey guys! I decided I would do both: short cliché stories and a list of rants. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, which was suggested by @Starburst52 . THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE IDEA!
I love reading what you guys have to say so let me know if you guys have any request for me to do!
Chow Skittles!


Leo: I didn't see any whales...

Me: I know, I made sure not to put any whales in there.

Leo: meanie

Me: *whacks with stick*

Leo: just kidding...

Things That Make Me Wanna Facepalm (PJO rants)Where stories live. Discover now