Demigods in HIGHSCHOOL

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Warning: Sherlock references ahead...I O U a chapter...

Me: *opens a fanfic* *reads the innocent fanfic*

Characters: *gets very heated and sexual*

Me: AHHHHHHHH!!!!! MY EYESSS!!!! *closes and deletes fanfic* IT WAS SOOO INNOCENT!!!!!

My brother: can you eyes be injured if you can only read it?


My whole family: o_O

~Why do innocent fanfics become so wrong? They could be eating ice cream and suddenly be making out! Make sure you have the right rating!!!! MATURE!!!!!

~When the characters die, it takes them like 2 hours. Like, you can't kill them until they talk to every person in the room

Couldn't the ambulance come by then???? Or couldn't you get them to Camp Half-Blood????

Speaking of which, I don't think many people die in fanfics...'CAUSE MOST OF THEM ARE FREAKING IMMORTALS!!!!!!

...or they come back to life...

Anyway, those are just a few random thoughts. Now to the the real topic ladies and gents:


AKJDFKLAHFS I hate it! I'm sorry, but that's just my opinion...

1.) Percy has been expelled from multiple schools and hates it. Piper has also been expelled from a few and also hated it. Annabeth hates all the snotty kids, I mean, who doesn't? Leo has been running from school to school and HATES IT. Frank, Jason, and Hazel have school at Camp Jupiter, but that's basically all they've had. I don't really think Thalia and Nico would like it. SO WHY WOULD THEY WILLINGLY GO TO SCHOOL? WILLINGLY.  Okay, okay, I know that it is just something that is a cool thing to read, but still...just ask yourself this: If you could go to school, but didn't have to, would you? 

I actually would...but that's usually just me...

It's just, most of them had bad experiences with school. What would make Goode High any better? Speaking of Goode High...

2.) WHY IS GOODE HIGH ALWAYS THE SCHOOL THEY GO TO? Can you not come up with another school? I know that Percy has been and is going there, but I'm sure people can be a bit more creative. It may mean having Percy transfer schools and not going to Goode (if you want him in the fanfic), but that's better than having FREAKING. GOODE. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

3.) Okay...I'm not exactly annoyed with this one, but it is very common. There is always a girl that is obsessed with Percy. I mean, I'm not saying that's unrealistic or anything...that guy is finnnnnnneeeee...but it is quite common and I would try to avoid it, unless it is absolutely relevant in your story's plot.

The reverse is also true. It is fairly common to have a guy who is flirty, or messing, with Annabeth. This is also realistic (she is really beautiful...honestly though).

If you do plan to use these, let me give you my words of wisdom...

In order to make the idea creative, the response should be different. The most common response from them both is of jealously. Maybe make it a bit more interesting. Also, I would avoid them both from storming away after the guy or girl, who's obsessed with either Percy or Annabeth, kisses them. feel like I just finished writing an essay...

4.) Why do I feel as if all the houses are the same? As if every writer has the same vision of the mansion. The rooms are always just like their personality and everything. Like WHAT THE HECK. WHY. ARE. THERE. LIKE. ONE. FREAKING. MILLION. ITALIAN. CARS? Why are they always strange colors? I mean, I don't go around seeing sea green cars...

And there is always at least one chapter where Percy and Annabeth are in the pool...

0.0 why?

5.) How do the parents of demigods, who have spent at most a day or few more with their child, know what they want? Like, they already know the exact car they want and what they want in their room...

Am I the only one who finds it creepy? 

O_________O they are watching..............

6.) We get these long descriptions on each room and like barely anything on how their day goes at school...WE DON'T CARE ABOUT WHERE THEY LIVE, WE JUST DON'T WANT A BAJILLION TIME SKIPS!

    I walked to French class.

*le time skip*

    We started making out.


7.) Apparently, the story turns into a mystery because no one knows where the heck all the characters besides Percy and Annabeth are.

Oops, they were murdered by the school they willingly went to, better call in Sherlock Holmes. Only high-functioning sociopaths can sit through boring hours of teachers explaining what they witnessed. Most teachers are monotone, am I right?

8.) Soon enough, all those murdered characters are replaced by OCs...with mostly names of Jack or Jake or James or something that starts with a J.


9.) Do they ever do homework? Here we are all, writing ten page essays and reading about, I don't know, fifty chapters of a book and they are partying...PARTYING. Sorry, but they aren't children of FREAKING DIONYSUS!

I really want some tacos right now, honestly...

So there are a few short rants. My mind is working at about a million nanoseconds per minute, so I might've gone off topic a few times...I mean, I'm not the the Flash or anything...

Speaking of that, I want to know something:

Are you all for DC or Marvel

I love both, but I am more of a DC girl. My favorite superhero on DC is Batman. I just love the whole Batfamily, especially Dick Grayson, or Robin/Nightwing. I also watch stuff like Young Justice, which NEEDS to come back, and I love the Flash family with Bart and Wally. So yup. Let me know your opinion.

Chow Skittles!

~ teamleo13

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