First Date

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Henry: It was at the Library. He had asked Belle if she was ok with it and she was fine. Since you both loved books he decided that I would be cute to have your first date there. He asked Regina if she could make some food for the date and she said yes. During the date you watched movies and read different story's from his book in different accents. It was an amazing night for you.

Killian: He took you sailing. You always wanted to go on an adventure and sail the seas but you never got to. He wanted to make your dream come true so he took you sailing. He set up a blanket on the deck so when it turned night you could lay down and watch the stars. During the date you got to learn how to sail, saw a bunch of new things you had never seen before, and got to see the stars. It was amazing and the best date ever.

Neal: He took you to a amusement park. You weren't part of the curse nor was he so you could both go places outside of Storybrooke. He thought it would be fun to take you on your first roller coaster. During the date you playing lots of games, went on your first roller coaster, and laughed in his face when you won a game. You had the best time.

Peter Pan: Being on Neverland there wasn't really any place to go. So he set up his own dinner on the side of the island on a beach. There were candles and roses. It was like a dream. During the date you had dinner, relaxed under the stars, and he told you stories about times on Neverland before you got there. You knew you loved him when the date was over.

Felix: You always wanted to have dinner by a waterfall. It was kind of a weird dream that you thought would never come true. But when you told Felix about you dream he instantly made it reality. He had ask Pan if he could do this for you and surprisingly he said yes. During your date you told him stories about your world, he told you stories about his times on Neverland, and you got to know each other more. It was not very big and special but, you had a good time.

Jefferson: He took you to Granny's because he honestly didn't know where else to go. He had Grace go to a friends house while you guys were out. During your date you got to know each other, he told you things about Wonderland, and you told him the boring things about your life. He didn't think they were boring at all though, which was weird. You had a great time and wanted to do something like this again.

Robin: He knew you loved nature and the outdoors so he set up a picnic at the park. He knew you loved Roland so, he decided to bring him along too. During your lunch date with Robin and Roland you played pretend with Roland, had some of the most amazing food you had ever tasted, and got to go out and eat ice cream. It was really fun and an awesome day.

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