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Henry: I groaned as I saw the morning light seeping through the window. I rolled over thinking I was gonna see Henry but didn't. No one was there. "Henry?" I groaned sitting up in my bed. "Down here." I heard him mutter. I leaned over the bed to see Henry lying on the floor. "How the hell did you get down there?" I asked him. "Well let's just say I really should have taken your warning when you said you moved around a lot." He groaned sitting up. "Whoops." I giggled. "Don't you start laughing at me!" He yelled getting frustrated. "Sorry, sorry. Now we have to go get ready for uggh school." I groaned getting out of bed. I walked over to the other side of the bed and saw Henry making his puppy dog eyes at me. "Babe can you help me get up? My backs hurts from sleeping on the floor." He stated holding one of his hands up for me to grab. "Nope, your on your on sister." I sassed and walked into the bathroom. "I hate you." He pouted getting up himself. "Love you too."

Killian: I was awoken from my beauty sleep by someone kissing my bare shoulder. "Stop." I mumbled rolling over in bed to look at my boyfriend. "Oh I'm sorry love. I didn't mean to wake you." He apologized. "No it's fine. I get to see someone important to me if I do." I giggled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. "You know there is nobody else in this world who could love you more then I do." He stated and kissed my head. I snuggled closer to his chest and replied, "And there is no one else in this world who could love you as much I do." "Your adorable." He said smiling down at you. "And you are devilishly handsome and the pirate that I feel in love with." I stated. "Yep." He sighed. He was going to say something to me again but I feel asleep.

Neal: I groaned looking over at the clock and saw that I had to get up. I slowly got out of bed but was suddenly pulled back down by strong arms that somehow made there way around my waist. "Where do you think you are going?" He questioned sleepily. "Neal it's Tuesday and I have college." I answered trying to pry his arms from my waist. He pulled me closer to his bare chest and sighed. "Can't you just skip a day and spend the day with me?" He begged. "UGGH fine!" I yelled pulling the cover back over me and snuggling up to him.

Peter Pan: The cold air founds its way into Peter's tent and made me shiver. He must have noticed because he pulled me closer to him. "Cold?" He mumbled eyes still closed. "Yeah, kinda. Is it always this cold at night in Neverland?" I asked him. "Well sometimes but not always." He answered and fell back asleep. "You know an I love you would have been nice." I sighed trying to fall back asleep. He must have heard me because he said, "I love you Y/N." "Love you too."

Felix: Loud, loud voices was all I could hear. I was trying to sleep but I couldn't over there freaking talking! I pulled my pillow over my head trying to block out the noise. I had no luck. I also was very cold. Felix was always up before me because I sleep in. I finally had enough of them and there talking and got up and stuck my head out of Felix's tent. "Will you all just shut up or at least be a little more quiet? You are disturbing my beauty sleep!" I yelled causing all of them to look in my direction. "Well look who's up early for once." Felix smirked. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now can you please shut up so I can try and get some more sleep." I begged. "Fine, but only cause I love you." He mumbled. I heard him yell something to the rest of the lost boys and everything soon became a lot quieter. I sighed and got back under the covers and fell asleep feeling accomplished.

Jefferson: I was awoken when I felt a pair of lips on mine. My eyes shot open and I sat up causing Jefferson to pull away. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked. "Waking you from your sleeping curse." He smiled. I rolled my eyes at him laughing a little. "Well, you achieved your goal." I groaned falling back down onto my pillow. "No! Don't go back to sleep!" He gasped. "Shut up." I laughed and pretended to be asleep. "I guess I will have to wake you up again." He stated coming down and kissing me again. I didn't move. "No! Why isn't it working?" He asked himself. You suddenly wrapped your arms around his chest and pulled him down causing him to gasp. "So you are awake." He said into my ear. "Yes, now go make me breakfast." I ordered pulling my arms away from his chest. He groaned and got up off me. "This is what you get for acting like a prince!" I yelled as he walked out of the room.

Robin: "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I heard a tiny voice yell. I was to tired to move or open my eyes so I just laid there. "Roland what are you doing up so early?" I heard Robin ask Roland. "My stomach was growling at me." He answered. I heard Robin chuckle. "That's only because you are hungry." Robin told him. "Oh." He stated. "So, what do ya want to eat buddy?" Robin asked him. "Y/N's PANCAKES!" He exclaimed. "Well, if you want her to make you pancakes you have to wake her up." Robin told him. I then felt someone hop onto my sleeping body. "Y/N! Wake up!" Roland shouted shaking my shoulders. I didn't move or say anything. "Papa, why isn't Y/N waking up?" Roland asked in disappointment. Before Robin could reply to Roland I grabbed his tiny body and started tickling him. A loud squeal erupted in your bedroom. "Y/N s-stop i-it!" Roland laughed trying to get out of my grip. "What's the magic word?" I asked still tickling him. "Papa said he would make you breakfast." He exclaimed. I instantly stopped and looked at Robin. "Did he now?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at Robin. "Yes, yes I did." He sighed getting out of bed and walking down stairs.

Will: I was sleeping when I felt someone poking my cheek. "Will I swear." I warned sleepily and the poking stopped. A few minutes later it started up again. I opened my eyes and rolled over in bed to face Will. I punched him in the gut and he fell back against his pillow in pain. "I warned you." I smirked as he held his stomach. "Bloody hell, you didn't have to do it that hard." He stated. "Oh shut up. It wasn't that hard." I giggled. "Your adorable when your mad." He stated smirking at me. "Yeah and by the way you should know by now that waking me up would have me in a really bad mood all day." I smirked and rolled back over. He groaned now realizing what he just got himself into. "Well then, go back to sleep." He sighed kissing my cheek and falling back asleep.

Graham: I rolled over in bed expecting to see my boyfriend but, instead I can face to face with my arch nemesis.... the floor. "Shit." I mumbled getting up off the floor. I looked around the room trying to see if Graham was even there. He wasn't and I sighed. I slowly started making my way out of my bedroom and down the stairs. When I finally reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Graham sitting on the couch watching T.V. and eating breakfast. "Morning." I mumbled walking over to where he was sitting. I sat down next to him snuggling up to his side. "Good Morning love." He replied turning his attention from the T.V. to me. "You left me all alone in bed." I pouted. "Sorry love, but I had to go get ready for work." He sighed kissing my head. "Speaking of work, when do you have to leave?" I asked him. "In a few minutes." He answered. "Aww nooo! You have to make me breakfast!" I shouted. "Sorry love, but I have to go." He stated sadly looking at the clock. "Nuuu! I will miss you too much." I pouted hugging him. He instantly hugged me back and we stayed there for a minute. "Love you Y/N." He smiled pulling away from our hug so he could kiss me. "Love you too." I sighed and he got up and walked out the door.

August: I woke up and smiled as I saw my boyfriend, August, sound asleep next to me. I slowly made my way out of bed trying so hard not to wake him up. I didn't thankfully. I always got up before August since he is not a morning person. I started making my way over to the bathroom when I slipped and fell with a loud thud. "Fuck." I groaned in pain. I heard rustling come from the bed and soon enough August was down by my side. "What happened?" He asked. "I slipped on one of your damn t-shirts that you left on the floor." I yelled. "Are you ok?" He asked me. "Yes, I'm fine. You really need to stop leaving your clothes on the floor." I stated. He helped me up and I hugged him. "You know, if you take me to Granny's for breakfast I will forgive you instantly." I told him seeing if he would give in. I made my puppy dog eyes at him and waited for a response. "Uggh fine, I will take you to Granny's." He said giving in. "Yay! Thank you!" I giggled kissing his nose.

A/N: This one was long!!!!!!!! Hope you liked it!!

Once Upon a Time Preferences!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora