Chapter 7. Diagonal Alley

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Rose Dylan Lupin Daughter Of Remus Lupin {Book One Completed}

Chapter Seven - Diagonal Alley

EDITIED 25/7/14 


Rose Point Of View.

I was in the middle of my daily sleep, when suddenly two idiotic twins decided they would wake me up by shouting in my ear, "WAKEY, WAKEY! GET YOUR LAZY BUM UP NOW ROSE DYLAN LUPIN! YOU'RE DAD WANTS YOU TO GET DOWN STAIRS AND THEN HAVE BREAKFAST AND THEN WE CAN ALL GO DIAGONAL ALLEY! SO WAKEY, WAKEY SUNSHINE!"

They both shouted in my ears in unison. I bolted up and gave them death glares. Oh boy, if looks could kill these two would be dead and in their grave by now. So they quickly got of my bed and ran down.

"Dad did you honestly have to get these two to wake me up? I think my ears are popped! They SHOUTED down my ears while I was sleeping!" I half yawned but emphasised the word shouted. Dad chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Do. Not. Touch. My. Hair. You should know better."

"Someone got on the wrong side of the bed then?" Said Fred while George chuckled. I gave them another set of death glares and then they ate their toast in silence. "Take that as a 'Yes Fred I did thank you very much for asking'" but this time he put a girly tone in his voice. I went to him and slapped his arm and the same for George. Honestly why did I have to wake up by these two shouting in my ears.


Dad left me with Tonks to get all my stuff for school. Fred and George went with Molly and Arthur and their brothers and sister. Then I saw a tall man with a boy by his side. I looked at him like I knew him. I have saw his face somewhere but where? Tonks pulled me to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Once we was done in their the next stop was the stationery store. Followed by Potage's Cauldron Shop.

After we got everything I need, we then had to get my wand. From the pet shop I had to pick an owl, cat, or toad. So it was obvious what I was going to pick. I wanted an owl. I wanted a Barn Owl. There are three things I love: one, my family and friends. Two, The Stars and three Owls. We got my owl and he was a light shade of brown. His name was Hermes. I named him after the Greek messenger.

In Ollivanders it was a bit nerve wreaking. I was trying and trying to get the right wand. But Mr. Ollivander kept on saying "Just remember Miss Lupin the wizard doesn't choose the wand, but, the wand chooses wizard" finally after about twenty wands I got it. My wand was ten inches, black and made of Ash and it had Unicorn hair. After that we went to get ice cream with the Weasley's.  


"Dad? Are you alright?...Dad? Tonks come in here quick!" I called Tonks quickly because I tried to call him but he was not responding. He was in his arm chair by the fire.

What's going on? Tonks rushed in and saw me and I ponied at dad. She rushed to him and sat on the floor in front of him. He was just staring at the fire. I now scared, Dad usually starts to talk when Tonks sits in front of him.

"Remus....what's wrong? Come on its me Tonks, Nymphadora. Rose is confused, why don't you just stop thinking about her eh? Stop thinking about Kendall? Rose needs you, I need you. Come on Remus."

There was a bit of worry in Tonks voice, but I think she has forgotten I'm here. So my Mum is called Kendall? Tonks then got dad out of his trance and hugged her and sighed.

Remus Point Of View

I told Tonks that I had to go somewhere. It wasn't a lie, I just needed time on my own. So I went home and went to the arm chair sat by the fire. I was just thinking how much Rose is like Kendall. She has her hair, and her facial figures. She had my eyes and lips but everything else was Kendall's.

Why did she have to break my heart? Why did she have to go and leave? What did she mean by 'You don't like my brother'?

I don't know how long I was sat here but I got out of my trance from staring at the fire, when Tonks said something about Rose and herself needing me. I sighed and hugged her. She was right, stay strong for everyone, especially Rose.


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