Chapter 42. Quidditch

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A/N. I'm getting back into writing again. I've got other books what I'm also writing so look out for them soon. I'm hoping I can get this one finished then do one of these on the Chamber of Secrets? And like I said before, the chapters are in different places not like the book chapters. Tell me what you think enjoy.


Rose Point Of View.

A few weeks have passed since the incident with Ron. He has said sorry but, I don't want to get to friendly with him now. I know he didn't mean what he said but it still hurt.

Hagrid had a dragon that got Harry, Hermione and Neville a detention. I went with them to the tower where Charlie Weasley should be, but being Rose Dylan Lupin and the one who can remember that the invisibility cloak was on the stairs at the top , I didn't get one. Neville only got one because he was seen by McGonagall. Poor Neville. Dad said his parent were nice people. And he tried to get Harry and Hermione to stay in the Common Room, so he went to find them after the curse had worn off.

But today, today is the first Qudditch match if the year. It's only this late because the weather has been really terrible. And our good news on the Quiddtch match was that Harry was the Seeker.

Myself, 'Mione, Vi and Ron were on our way to the Pitch. Everyone were excited for today's match. Everyone was filling the stands and so were the Professors.

The match started and everyone was up in the air. Fifteen brooms, Madam Hooch, seven Slytherins and seven Gryffindor.

"And the Quaffle is taken immediately by Angelina Johnson of Gyffindor-what an excellent Chaser that girl is, and rather attractive, too-" announced Lee Jordan.

Professor McGonagall shouted at him and he apologised but not sounding sorry at all. Angelina is a really pretty girl though so he isn't really wrong.

A few goals and penalties later for us Harry's broom started jerking at first I was the only one who saw this but a few more minutes later everyone saw. Slytherin got a few goals but everyone was all looking up at Harry.

Hermione rushed of somewhere and said something really fast. Me, Vi and Ron all looked at each other and we had the same face, confused.

After a moment or two after Hermione's disappearance Harry's broom stopped jerking. Everyone, except the Slytherins, let out a breath of relief.

The game continued and Harry was zooming away. He's found the Snitch! He stood on his broom and reached for the Snitch. He was about to grab it , when he fell.

He rolled over onto his hands and knees and started to cough. Then he held out his hand into the air.

"I'VE GOT THE SNITCH!" He shouted over and over again. Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs cheered, Ravenclaws clapped and Slytherins booed.

Everyone races down to Harry where he stood shocked. The Slytherins complained. Ha in you're face.


So here's the chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.



Thanks for reading bye.

Rose Dylan Lupin Daughter Of Remus Lupin {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now