Chapter 8. Hogwarts Here I Come

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A/N hi so this chapter is about the train ride to Hogwarts. Enjoy. 

Thanks for reading. 

And if YOU want a character of your own just PM me. And sorry for not updating regular I'm ill. 


Rose Point Of View

"And remember if I or Tonks don't get an owl with a letter I will not be happy. We love you and will keep on telling you things for the wedding and Molly will do the same with George, Fred, Ron and Percy. So don't get into trouble or try." Dad said for the 100th time, but I can't help it and smile at 'don't get into trouble or try." He knows I can't keep that a promis. "And if you need help with homework as Percy, not the twins, Percy." I laughed and nodded.

"Right, I will send you an owl and me? Into trouble? When does that happen?" I started of while hugging both of them, "And why not the twins eh? Can I not just ask them or will I not get it done? Anyway dad I have to go and get on the train now but I will love to hear about the wedding. Love you both." I started to run to catch the train. When I got on the train most of the compartments were already full. So I decided to go to the back of the train where there was some left. Once I got settled I got my book out and started to read it. It was one of my birthday presents from Tonks. The Hunger Games. I was on page 16 when a tap from the compartment window I looked up and it was Ron and another boy. They asked if they could come in and I nodded.

(A/N sorry me and someone have a bit of a laugh on the hunger games book 1 and page 16 its just personal)

A while has now passed and the boy Ron was with is called Harry. Harry seems nice and its the boy I saw in Diagonal Alley. 'The Boy Who Lived' is also one of Harry's names but I don't care if he or has not defeated Voldemort or 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' I just know something about him. He looks like one of my 'Uncles' by Uncles I mean one of dads friends who are my Godfathers. And his last name also sounds familiar. Potter. Where do I know Potter from?

I was brought from my reading and my little thoughts when a girl with bushy brown hair came to our compartment and said "Hi I'm Hermione Granger and you must be Harry Potter. Anyway I have just came to say you might want to get into your robes we will be their soon. And your name is?" Handing her hand out to me. I shake it and say "Rose Lupin nice to meet you and this kiddo here is Ron, Ron Weasley." I stuck my tongue out at Ron and he throw a sugar quill at me. I caught it and then ate it.

Hermione was right we came to Hogwarts 15 minutes later. When we was getting of the train I hearer two voices shout my name. 'Don't be Fred and George' I thought to my self I turned around and to my luck it was. "So how was the ride Miss Rosey Dylan Lupin?" George said.

"Having fun with Ron" then said Fred. 

"Fred don't say that. You know he likes her and-" 

"George I do know he is OUR brother and he really does like you Rosey Dyls."

"Hey not here this is school life and wow Ron likes me aww what a shame I don't like him in that way. So what do you want? I have to go and get sorted where all the first years are. And you are really mean telling Ron he has to do a test, my dad said 'they just place a hat on our heads and it says what house you will go in. Ignore what Fred and George say." I said while they were still arguing when I finished they both hugged me and said "Aww don't ruin our surprise and good luck Rosey Dyls." In unison and with that I followed a giant man who I saw in Diagonal Alley with Harry. So aload of first years including me followed this man I think Harry said his name was Hagrid. So we all followed Hagrid until we got to the boats that would lead us to Hogwars castle. "Right three ter a boat. C'mon now." Hagrid said as we all came along to I think it was the Black Lake. Dad told me all about his time in Hogwarts from his first year till his last. He misses my Godfathers I can see it in his eyes when he mentions Uncle James and Uncle Sirius. But it sounds like he had fun.

I sat with Hermione and someone called Hannah. Hannah semmed nice and she said she wanted to be in any house but Syltherin. Dad said Syltherin's are not nice people. So I don't want to get sorted in to that house. "Well I want to be in Ravenclaw, because well they are smart and I am smart. I don't think I have a Syltherin mind, maybe Gryffindor but not Hufflepuff either." Said Hermione I think she might be a bit stuck up but oh well she is a new friend. Then they looked at me.

"I want to be in Gyffindor like my dad. Or a Hufflepuff like my going to be Step-mother or mother as I call her. I don't think I'm cleaver enough for Ravenclaw. And I don't want to be in Syltherin because dad said they are mean and I'm not." I said in a bit of annoyed tone because if they ask why 'going to be ste-mother or mother as I call her" I will not speak. I think they got the clue that I was uncomfortable with that so they left it. Soon we was up to the castle. And Hagrid knocked three times on the door.

After the door opened. A women with green dress robes and a stern look on her face stood there. She looked old in my opinion. Hagrid spoke up first and said "'Ere ya are Professor McGonagall. The firs' years." The women I presume is Professor McGonagall smiled and said thank you to Hagrid and of we went. I heard a lot of gasps from the people around me but I was just smiling at what I saw.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, you will be sorted in the Great Hall where everyone is waiting. The sorting is very important because while you stay here your house will be come your family while you attend school. You will have classes with the rest of your house, spend time in the common room with them, sleep in the dormitories and spend free time with them.

"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Syltherin. Each of the house has their own past and their own histories. Any triumphs and your house will gain house points, while any rule-breaking you house will lose house points. At the end of the year the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup." She said with that she turned on her heel and then said "Make your delft look responsible while I just see if we are ready for you." And with that some people where making them selves look smart.

Professor McGonagall came back and told us to make a line. Then we made our way into the Great Hall.


Hi thanks for 120 reads I'm really happy and like I said I'm sorry if I don't update I'm ill and really really tired. I have used some of the book to help me with this.  




Just thanks for reading

Rose Dylan Lupin Daughter Of Remus Lupin {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now