Chapter 20. Answers

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A/N. Hi thanks for reading and I hope you like this chapter. Enjoy. By the way if it's really crap it's because it is now the 11-10-13 and it's 00:31 in the morning and I'm really tired.


Rose's Point Of View

It's nearly the end of the week now. The full Moon has gone so that means I can now be safe around dad. Today I'm going to ask him about the questions that are unknown to me and why they are unknown.

I walked downstairs and see my dad reading the paper. I sneaked up behind him the shouted in his ear "HI DADDY!!!!!" He jumped the started to tickle me. I hate being tickled. "Dad. Dad. Please. Stop. Please." I said gasping for air. His reply was shaking his head.

Once he stopped tickling me I walked to the kitchen table and sat down in the opposite him. He returned and continued reading his paper. I looked at the paper where his face was supposed to be then he said "What's wrong? Has anything happened? And if you stare at the paper any longer you're going to burn a hole through it." With the last sentence we chuckled. Just him to say that. I sigh and he puts the paper down. Then puts a bar of chocolate out and puts it onto the table and says "Tell me what's wrong and you can have it."

"Well then, erm will you answer everything?" I said with out looking up from the chocolate.

"It depends, continue." He replies. He then moves the chocolate and makes me look at him. I gave him a glare then he just laughs.

"Well remember when I said that the sorting hat said my mum was in Syltherin? Well I was just wondering who she was. You know. Say if you was on your own and was left to defend for your self, but one day someone defends you and that makes you think 'who's that person'." I paused and he nodded for me to continue "well I was just thinking why did she not want to live with us? Was I a really bad baby or something? Do you or my self do something wrong? Is she still alive? Dad look at me and tell me these things! I'm old enough, please, just tell me who she is." I was on the edge of crying. He still didn't look at me.

"Rose it's best that you don't know these things. I wish I could tell you but-" he was cut off by me.

"Please dad, I'm eleven years old and I hate secrets kept from me. I have the right to know about my own mother don't you think? And what's up with you and Tonks? She has sent me a letter saying she done something to upset you. Why have you two been so distant? The wedding is soon. Please if you can't tell me about my mum then tell me about Tonks." Tears ran down my face freely. Dad got up and picked me up and tried to calm me down.

"Do you really want to know about me and Tonks?" Dad said. He looked hurt, could it really be bad? I nodded for him to continue. He walks into the living room and sits me on the sofa. He takes deep breaths and says "very well then, me and Tonks, well it's difficult. She said something that made me upset. Getting me mad but sad at the same time. It was about....someone." He said the last words quietly. He looked at me then I hugged him tightly. He hugged back.

"Dad? Will you and Tonks still be getting married?" I said he looked at me and thought for a few seconds then he just drugged his shoulders. This is not good. If dad didn't have an answer then that means he has not got a clue. "Thanks for telling me. Now ca. I have that chocolate?" He laughed and handed it over. "VICTORY IS MINE!!!!!" I shouted.

Remus' Point Of View

Later on that night Rose had been quite. She is a bit upset that I didn't tell her about Kendall. It's eleven o'clock and Rose is asleep. This leaves me talking to Tonks. She came over at ten but she had just missed Rose go bed.

"Remus I'm so sorry. Honestly I didn't want to keep it from you but I thought it was best for you. Obviously not. But please forgive me. You know what my family is like except Sirius and my mother and father, but please just forgive me." Tonks said her voice was breaking a bit like Rose's was this morning.

"I will try but please, don't keep anything else away from me." I said. She nodded and hugged me. I hugged her back. Then at midnight she said she had to see Mad-Eye Moody for some training I the woods. I nodded then gave her a kiss. With that she was gone.

I was left alone. Thinking on what's happened to me from the age of nine. First of all got bitten by my daughter's uncle, then at the age off eleven made three friends, age of seventeen graduated with my three friends, age of twenty-four had a daughter and now this leaves me with James and Lily Potter dead, Sirius Black in Azkaban, Kendall gone, a lovely daughter and Tonks.


Hi hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me if you want to add something into my story line. Thanks for reading.




Do what ever you want. Bye.

Rose Dylan Lupin Daughter Of Remus Lupin {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now