I think I set off a trend

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I think I set off a trend in my school.

Ok so During the 1st half of the year nobody brought playing cards of any sort. Then I decided to bring UNO the second half of the year.
Then everyone else started bringing UNO. Then I stopped bringing UNO(because it got boring) and brought some playing cards to school.
Now everyone is bringing playing cards. Plus every time I turn around(metaphorically) I see someone playing cards of some sort.
They even took my signature move. When if we play a game , like Go fish, and they ask for my cards I toss the card randomly on the ground or something (trust me it's funny).
For some reason a lot of people started doing this and I don't know why or why this only happened when I, of all people, started doing it(because I'm not very popular, or cool, or fun, or... Etc).
Not even in the previous years, I was there, did they do this.

(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞It was supposed to be my thing
(ఠ్ఠ ˓̭ ఠ్ఠ)Why did they copy me.

Well I guess it's not that bad although random people would always just randomly come to our lunch table and ask to play. Then we would get into trouble with the teachers because of how many people would gather around us.😐

It was so awkward 😖

Also we never had enough cards to accommodate everyone with. We had to have a limit of six people at a time which was bad because I had 6 friends(including me) that come first when deciding to play.

Anyway people from the end of the table, the other side of the room, etc, would ask to play and it was just weird because I rarely knew who these people were.
It was just a weird 2nd half of the year.

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