I was tagged

70 3 6

I decided to use original art work for this chapter 🔼
I'm very detailed when I talk about each thing
Read only if you want to
I was tagged by speedy3511

I'm honestly surprised to be tagged because I didn't think it would happen to me but whatever

So I guess I'm telling you 10 things about me so here goes

1. I'm 14 my birthday is the 13th of June which means I get birthdays on Friday the 13th (<- my favorite days ever😆
[insert Jason's mask here]🔪)

2. I've been in chorus for 3 years and going on to my 4th year this year, high school style. Also the first in my family to ever join(that I know of).

3. I love to draw. It's a hobby of mine (as you can tell from the drawing above) I'm not that good but I'm definitely not the worst at drawing (because I've drawn worse[and I only learned how to draw recently, by observation])

4. I have a stuffed animal addiction. I probably have, almost, every stuffed animal from when I was a baby until now. There are stuffed animals on all my shelfs and my desk. All my body sized animals are on my bed(they look like dead bodies under the covers).There is not enough room for all of the animals to sit and they ended up in my closet. Now if you open my closet you have a chance of being buried under them all(I don't open my closet any more).

!!!!!!!{Violent joke ahead}!!!!!!!

5. Black and blue just like you if you make fun of my favorite colors (sorry for the, sorta, violent joke)

6. I have two younger sisters, no brothers. We'll call them Ruby and Opal 11-d. Opal is the youngest. She's also our (Ruby and I's)half sister. Ruby is the middle child. She's the closest to being Opal's age so she ends up spending the most time with her. I'm the oldest I'm 4 years older than Ruby and 6 years older than Opal[do the math to find their ages] they fight about as much as brothers would (I imagine[i don't have brothers]) but is a girly way (they yell, a lot[I don't spend much time with them for this reason])

7. I'm a very quiet person despite being in chorus(most people in chorus are very loud and very talkative. That's not me) I'm very soft spoken and basically a total nobody in class(I can get away with a lot of things because I'm never noticed) But even so when I am noticed I'm so nice that everyone is nice back( I'm on nobody's bad side. Perks!!!)

8. My favorite number is 13 second favorite is 11 third is 9
Least favorite 6, 2nd 7, 3rd 12

9. Favorite series/shows-
D. Gray Man- anime,
Danny Phantom- cartoon

10. I'm going to end this with what Job I want when I'm older.
I plan on becoming a game designer. I love to play games and now I want to see how to design games.
Welp that's all I have to do now to tag other people
Don't know how many so I'll do 5. I don't feel like looking for people


Have a whimsical day everyone

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