Chapter 2: Enter SeaDevimon, the devil of the Water!

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After we met with these digimon,I had to go,as I had school the next day and needed sleep. When I got home,my parents were wondering where I was,and I told them I was over at the game store. They bought it,and I went to my room,where I found a purple pig bat thing on my bed.
"Who are you?" I asked,slowly grabbing my plastic version of Falchion from the Fire emblem series.
"I'm Tsukaimon,your guide...." it mumbled.
"Oh. Sorry." I said as I dropped my weapon.
"You mean it?"
"Yeah." It perked up after that,and jumped into my arms. Guess it's really sensitive.
"So,are you staying with me?" I asked.
"Yep! Well,just until I find my teachers." Tsukaimon replied.
"Bokomon and Neemon?" I asked.
"Yeah! Wait,how do you?"
Later,around midnight,I woke up to a loud crash.
"What was that!?" I shouted as I woke up from a deep sleep.
"Maybe someone needed a new plane?" Tsukaimon asked,still asleep.
"I'm checking it out." I said as I put on a blue robe and nuzzled  Tsukaimon in between my shirt and the robe.
"Why do I have to come?" She asked.
"In case I need to fight." I quietly said as I opened my window and crawled out.
When we got down,there was a giant,blue lizard with wings attacking some abandoned buildings.
"How am I supposed to deal with him?" I asked Tsukaimon as she flew on top of my head.
"Do you have your Dtector?" she asked. I digged into my robe pocket and pulled it out.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Hold it up to the sky and yell Spirit Evolution Execute." she explained.
"Got it." I held my Dtector in the air and yelled "SPIRIT EVOLUTION EXECUTE!!!!" and slashed my Dtector around like it was a sword and for the first time,spirit evolved.
"Wow.... I changed my gender......." I said,realizing that I was a dude.
"The spirits do that sometimes." Tsukaimon joked as she landed in a tree.
"Now let's do this!" I shouted,finally grabbing the monsters attention.
"Now what digimon is this?" I asked.
" ExVeemon,just be aware of his Vee Laser."
"Got it."
"Vee Laser!" it shouted. I dodged it,and retaliated back. "Dark Pulse!" I shouted and released a wave of dark energy,smashing it in the face.
"Dark Tsunami!" I shouted as a dark tornado of water flew it out of my hand,smashing it,and taking ExVeemon down. Then,I flew down and landed.
"What do I do now?" I asked.
"Hit the side button and shout Fractal Code Scan"
"FRACTAL CODE SCAN!!!" I shouted as I hit the side button. A black flame came out of the top,and I swiped at the code surrounding ExVeemon,getting rid of the monster and if it's place was a small blue thing that was adorable! But before I could go fangirl,some other things,came behind me.
"Who are you?" A wolf human hybrid asked me.
"Reveal yourself,and I'll reveal me." I said.
"On the count of 3 we'll all de transform." A fairy said.
"1...2...3...!" We all de transformed,revealing ourselves.
"ARIEL!?" They all shouted.
"YOU GUYS!?" I shouted. The original warriors saw me take down my first digimon.
"Well,that was awkward." J.P. admitted.
"Admitting it was even more awkward." Zoe said as she lightly smacked him.
"Now let's get out of here before we get blamed." Takuya said. We all nodded and left.
Now my problem was to get back up to my room.
"Should I spirit evolve to get up?" I asked Tsukaimon as she flew back with the creature on her back.
"Nah. I'll help you up." she said as she flew into my room,put the creature on my bed,and flew back to grab me. I grabbed her legs and she pulled me into my bedroom.
"Thanks." I said as I checked my phone to see that I had a message from Kouchi.
Kouchi : That was a shock to see you spirit evolve.
I smiled and texted back.
Me: Yeah,and my spirit is a dude.
Kouchi : Awkward.
Me: Definitely.
Kouchi : I wonder if you had to go to the bathroom as SeaDevimon,would you have to go to the men's bathroom?
Kouchi : I'll stop.
Me: Night.
Koichi: Night.
I closed my phone and fell asleep,cuddling Tsukaimon and my new friend.

The next morning,I woke up to my phone blaring my 8 bit Fire Emblem Recruitment theme.
"Hello?" I asked groggily.
"Ariel,were outside your house with breakfast. You need to get ready." I heard Sumi say from the phone.
"Fine......" I said as a lot of of bed. "Can I at least bring Tsukaimon?"
"Wait wha!?" Sumi shouted from the phone which I heard from outside.
"Yeah,found her when I got home from the digital world last night." I replied.
"Just get ready."
I got ready by putting on my usual. Red shirt,dark blue cargo pants,red and white sneakers and due to how late I was,I would need Koji's help putting on my blue bandana. I grabbed my blue jacket and my backpack and headed out the door with Tsukaimon.
"Need help?" Sumi asked as she took my backpack.
"Yes please."
"You look like a mess." Koji said as he pulled my bandana from my pocket and started to tie it around my head.
"I am a mess." I muttered,still half asleep.
"We need to get to school." I heard Citron say while looking at his watch.
"And I need to eat,so what's your point?"
Takuya handed me a sausage McMuffin with egg and a Mango Pineapple smoothie as I made sure I had all my stuff together.
"Guys,how are we going to save the digital world if we have school?" Zoe asked.
"Well,the younger ones and I could do it as you have stuff to do." Kouchi told them while finishing a hash brown.
"And you don't?" Takumi asked.
"All I do now is sit around."
"What about your homework?" Koji asked
"Get it done in study hall if I have any."
"Lucky. My teacher is a major d-"
"Guys,school!" Citron shouted as he ran ahead.
"Crud!" We all shouted and ran.

When I got to class,I was still eating.
"Normally I wouldn't allow you being late and eating,but since your normally a straight A student,I'll let it slide." My teacher said as I sat in my seat in the back of the class.
"Phew..." I muttered as Tsukaimon popped from my bag.
"Yeah." she said quietly.
"Back in the bag!" I mouthed. She nodded and went into the bag again.
"Ariel? Could you raise your hand so that our new student can find where to sit?" my teacher asked,snapping me out of my daze.
"Sure." I said after finishing the food in my mouth.
A boy that was my age came and sit in the seat next to me. He had brown hair that had 3 parts sticking up and brown eyes. He was wearing a red shirt with a white star,gray jeans,and blue high tops with red and white stripes with a zipper in the middle.

 He was wearing a red shirt with a white star,gray jeans,and blue high tops with red and white stripes with a zipper in the middle

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"Names Nate." He said as he sat down.
"Ariel." I replied as I took a sip of smoothie. "Normally,I'm more prepared. Last night I was awoken by a crash."
After that,I had my normal classes. Nothing new except nearly being tripped by the jocks. Hate them with a burning passion. All they do is flex,be idiots,insult the smart kids and be a holes. At least when Takuya is compared to them,he actually cares about his friends and school. Where do they even make that comparison?
When it was lunch,I just took my stuff to the back and ate under a tree. Nobody bugged me there,as nobody ate over there until....
"Hey." Citron said as he sat next to me.
"I thought you were going to another school." I replied.
"That's Takumi. He's going to a private school due to somebody framing him for a really deep crime."
"Yeah. He's the middle kid of 4 kids,so this was a big deal for them."
"Was anyone following you?"
"No. Not to my knowledge."
After lunch,I had the rest of my classes,and went home.

When I got home,I pulled out my phone to see that I got a text from that Nate kid.
Me: How the f**k did you get my number!
Nate: O_o Sorry,wrong number
Me: But still!
Nate: Tommy.
Me: 😒
Nate: What?
Me: Nothing.
"Tommy has a s**t ton of explaining to do!" I fumed.
"Ariel! Watch your language!" My mom shouted from down stairs.
"Sorry! It was on accident!"
I slumped into my wheely chair and worked on my homework,still angry that Tommy gave my number to this kid. Mainly because he could've been sided or our enemy!

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