Chapter 5: Wait,what?

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Nate's PoV
It's been a rough week for me,moving to a new city and school,leaving my friends behind,my tour guide passing out so I had to get the tour from her friends,monsters appearing,it's not easy for sure. I was finishing up homework and video chatting with my friends back home when I had to get something from my room,and when I got there,there was a platypus duck thing and a rabbit wearing pants on my bed!
"What in the name of Palutena are you two!?" I asked,scared out of my wits.
"It's nice to see you again Takuya!" The rabbit said.
"Um,you know my name isn't Takuya right? It's Nate." I replied.
"Great,we entered the wrong house again....." The platypus muttered. "Let's go Neemon."
"Wait? You aren't him?" Neemon asked.
"No!" I shouted. "Now get out of here!"
They got scared and left through my open window as my mom opened the door.
"Nate? I heard screaming coming up from here." My mom said.
"It's the TV probably." I replied.
"Oh. We decided to get you something to help you with the move."
After she said that,a red orange cat started to rub against me.
"Hey bud." I said as I petted him. He seemed to really like it,as he purred a lot.
"What's his name?" I asked.
"Well,we wanted you to name him." my mom replied.
"How about Akamaru?"
"Sounds good to me."
She left afterwards so I could finish my work. It didn't take very long as all I had left was 2 questions. Akamaru slept on my lap as I did the work and leveled up some of my units in Awakening for the Secret Dlc. When I finished,I put Akamaru on my bed so I could watch some TV downstairs. Not much happened after that and I went to bed later that night.

12:30 am
There was a loud crash that woke me up from a bizarre dream involving ghosts and befriending them. Wierd I know,and I get those dreams every night. I checked to see if my parents heard it and they were still sound asleep. So I decided to check it out. As I crept down the stairs, I hoped nobody heard me. But if my parents could sleep through that,then they could sleep through anything. I quickly put on my shoes and ran out the front door. When I found the sight of the crash there was two demons fighting each other. One was blue and the other black. Alongside the blue devil was a polar bear,a samurai ghost,a dj robot and those trespassers from earlier with a blue lizard and a purple pig bat thing.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" I shouted. All of them looked at me with the oddest look.
"Dafuq?" The samurai asked.
"Dark Tsunami!" The blue devil shouted as they destroyed the black devil. "Fractal Code scan!" They then absorbed the devil into a strange device.
"OK... This is a nightmare.... I'll wake up with Akamaru sleeping with me." I muttered as the polar bear walked over and pinched me.
"This isn't a dream Nate." he said.
"Oh dear God!" I said and then passed out.

I woke up to find myself on my bed with Akamaru licking me and Ariel and her friends along with my parents looking very concerned for me.
"He's OK!" my mom said as she hugged me.
"Yeah mom. I don't remember how I managed to get outside." I lied. Ronku smirked at me while Sumi facepalmed.
"Well OK then...."
They left and Ariel put her plastic Falchion up to my neck.
"Listen here Warrior of Manipulation,I am not playing so get out of Nate's body!" she growled.
"Ar,he's not possessed for the millionth time!" Sumi told her.
"Are you sure?" Ariel replied.
"Yes I am. Now stop before someone thanks we did this."
"Wait,didn't she think that Faceless kid from Fates was trustworthy?" Ronku asked.
"Hey! I just wanted him to be playable!" Ariel replied loudly.
"What are you even talking about?" I asked.
"You really want to ask her?" Ronku replied.
"Should I?"
"It involves a lot of crying,and feels."
"Probably not." I saw that there was a device on my desk. It was dark purple and black and kind of looked like something from a SciFi film.
"Why are you here anyways?" I muttered.
"Oh,well that device on your desk,is a Dtector and we need to show you how to use it." Sumi said as she grabbed it.
"Where though?"
"Here of course!" Ariel said,grinning.
"Are you really that stupid? That is a horrible idea! Who knows what damage it could cause!" I shouted.
"Trust me,I'm an expert." Tommy said,smiling almost as big as Ariel's grin.
"So first,get out of bed." Ronku said as he dragged me out of my bed while Ariel laughed a bit. "Now on your feet."
I got up on my feet,but I felt off,like I got off of a spinning office chair.
"You look sick." Sumi said as she grabbed me a garbage can.
"Thanks but I won't need it." I replied.
"Now hold your digivice in my hand." Ronku instructed me.
"OK." I said as I grabbed the device off of my hand.
"Now shouted Spirit Evolution Execute."
"Right. Spirit Evolution Execute!" I held my Dtector up high and then there was a flash of light. When the light cleared,I looked down to see I had no legs and was just a shadow.
"Change me back!" I shouted.
"Calm down! We don't we want your parents to hear!" Ariel whispered.
"Is this permanent!?"
Then,after panicking about this for 20 minutes,I finally de evolved back to my normal self.
"I am never doing that again!" I shouted.
"I hate to say it but,you need to keep doing that in order to help us save this world and the digital world." Ronku sighed.
"Oh dear God....." I muttered.

Hey guys,quick change to plans,as I will update this today and tomorrow instead of 2 updates tomorrow!

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