Chapter 6: Forces of Evil

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A base in the digital world
"Dammit!" A voice boomed. "We not only have the legendary warriors to deal with,but now the fabled warriors are popping up! And on top of it,they can spirit evolve!"
"Sir,what should we do now?" A weaker voice asked.
"Make sure they don't get their Beast Spirit!"
"We've got the Water and Shadows one already covered."
"So where are those Second Spirit of Steel,Music,Tech,Wood,and Angels!?"
"The thing is...... Angels already has his beast spirit."
"Sorry sir....."
"I I'm working on that...... Wouldn't it be a bit odd for a digimon to ask a human for their spirit?"
A thought hit the boss, a digimon would be obliterated by the warriors,military or be tested on,and he didn't have a human warrior at the time.
"Oh shit. I hadn't realized that it would end up bad."
The lower digimon facepalmed at his superior's ability to not think clearly.
"So what are we supposed to do now?"
"Possess at least one of them. Which one has the weakest mental health?"
"Water or Wood. But both of them are near people nearly all the time while awake."
"Do we have anything to transform ourselves into humans?"
"No sir."
"Well figure it out!"

Takumi's house, late Saturday night
The warrior of Wood shot up from his sleep,sweating like crazy. It happens to him so often,he already has a plan for it,so he got out of his bed and went to the kitchen for a snack where he saw 2 familiar faces.
"Cyrus,Ronku, what are you doing here!?" He said,confused.
"Look,we need to talk." Ronku said,getting off the table he was sitting on.
"It's about the spirits." Cyrus continued
"What about them?" Takumi asked
"This guy's after my beast spirit and wants to possess you or Ariel."
"Wait,how do you know all of this?"
"Ophanimon." Both warriors replied.
"I am so damn confused. Simplify it please? I'm half asleep."
"Guy after beast spirit and is trying to control you or Ariel."
"Makes sense." Soon,the light turned on and a Naginata was put over Ronku's and Cyrus's neck.
"Who are you and what do you want with my brother?!" A female voice growled.
"Hinoka!" Takumi shouted quietly "Those are friends of mine!"
"Don't hurt us......" Cyrus said scared.
"Onichan?" A soft voice asked. Hinoka and Takumi turned to see it was their younger sister,Sakura who was holding 2 of her dolls tightly.
"Sorry,I thought that these guys were intruders." Hinoka told her younger sister. "I'll tuck you back into bed." The two girls left soon after.
"Now it's the question of how did you two get in my house?" Takumi asked Ronku and Cyrus.
"Your older brother Ryoma." The two said,hoping that they don't cause any more trouble.
"Well,wanna play some Smash since your here?"

Unknown Location
A young boy,no older than 11 was sleeping on a tree branch when he heard some beeping.
"Huh?" He asked,and looked down to see a bright light coming from near the bottom of the tree. He climbed down to find a light brown and pale green device with the screen reading,Do you want to play a game?
"Sure,as long as I'm not dead by the end."He said to himself,pressing yes.
From your current location,head east,then enter the cave. You will receive your next instructions from there.
"Well,looks like I'm going on an adventure....." He said as he adjusted his jacket,grabbed the device and headed to where the device said to go.

A/N: I'm sorry that this took so long! Math Homework and School and Writer's Block all delayed this chapter. This was originally intended to be a chapter just on the villains,but it didn't work out so I added Takumi's part in to fill it up,and today (10/22/16) I added the last part in,along with the ending of Takumi's part. So can you guess who this new person is? And who is contacting him!?

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