Chapter 3: Samurai and Dj

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After I finished my homework and scolding Tommy through text,I got a message from Lucemon.
"I need you to get to the digital world ASAP!" The message read.
"On it. But how do I get there?" I replied.
"Have you ever watched 02?"
"Yeah ."
"Like that."
I pointed my phone at the computer,while Tsukaimon got on my head.
"Digi Port Open!"I shouted and went into the digital world.

Soon,I was in the digital world with Tsukaimon where Sumi and Ronku were waiting.
"What took you so long!?" They shouted.
"Tommy gave my number to a new kid in class and I was cussing him and the new kid out on it."
"Ah. So you found Tsukaimon."
"Yep!" she said. "And a DemiVeemon that went wild so we're going to keep him for now and possibly train him to help us out."
"So where do we need to go?" Sumi asked.
"We're at the Music terminal if I remember correctly." Tsukaimon said as she flew off my head.
"So maybe one of our spirits are here?" Ronku said as he followed Tsukaimon.
"Maybe...." I said as I followed. We kept walking for a while until we were attacked by a green blast.
"That's Cerberumon!" I shouted.
"How do you know?"Sumi asked me.
"Tommy kept talking about these types of adventures remember!?" I replied.
"Well your the only one that can fight him!"
"Right..... SPIRIT EVOLUTION EXECUTE!" Soon,I became SeaDevimon.

Ronku's POV
Wait,Ariel turns into a dude!? That has to be one of the strangest things I have ever seen......
"Tsukaimon,I feel a second spirit presence here that isn't music....."
"You and Sumi go check. I'll help SeaDevimon fight this thing off."
"Right." Afterwards,me and Sumi snuck around to find the Spirit of Music.
"Who do you think it belongs to?" she asked.
"Not sure..." she said. "But you know that Nate kid in our class?"
"The new kid?" I replied.
"Yeah. What if he's the enemy or a warrior like us?"
"That doesn't matter.... I feel a second spirit presence under where I'm standing." I was right. The ground started to rumble as I said that,so I moved. The Spirit of Music also reacted as it went into Sumi's digivice.
"That answers one question. Now why is the ground shaking?" Sumi asked.
"Not sure." I said as some thing rose out of the ground.
"A second Spirit of Steel?" a familiar voice said.
"Kouchi!?" We both said.
"Sorry to keep you two waiting,but it took me longer because a certain fat woman."
"Ronku! Hold your digivice to the spirit and use it to help Ariel!" Kouchi shouted as he came into view.
"Right." I said as I held my digivice to the spirit and it went in.
"Now both of shout Spirit Evolution Execute!"
"You go first." Sumi said.
"Fine." I said. "SPIRIT EVOLUTION EXECUTE!" I held the digivice up to my face, threw it in a motion similar to a shuriken and spirit evolved. When I looked down again,I was in a samurai's outfit with silver katanas for hands.
"Will you turn back to human?!" Sumi freaked.
"Yeah. Ariel turned into SeaDevimon and she can turn back to human." I replied.
"Don't worry about it Sumi, I've done it way to many times to count." Kouchi reassured her.
"Wait a second,didn't Lucemon give us our spirits already!?" I shouted.
"He said he did,but he was a lazy bum and forgot!" Tsukaimon shouted. "Now help me Samuraimon!" I guess Samuraimon was the name of my new spirit.
"Right. Samurai Slash!" I shouted as I slashed at the opponent.

Sumi's POV
I guess I have to spirit evolve now. Ariel took quite a beating and couldn't handle much more and who knows if Ronku could actually do damage. Ohh... Why did I have to get caught up in this mess?
"S-Spirit Evolution Execute!" I stutter shouted. I twirled around my Dtector like a lance and spirit evolved. My new form looked like a humanoid Digimon dj thing.

"See, I knew I could do it!" Everyone except Ariel shouted as she was fighting Cerberumon

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"See, I knew I could do it!" Everyone except Ariel shouted as she was fighting Cerberumon.
"Uhhh, A LITTLE HELP HERE!?" She shouted,dodging another attack.
"Right." Me and Ronku said.
"Flaming Record!" I shouted as I shot a flaming CD out of my cannon.
"That better be a Justin Bieber CD!" Kouchi shouted as he dodged debris.
"So do I!" I replied. "Music Cannon!" I shouted as a sound wave came out of the cannon. The attacks stacked with SeaDevimon's Dark Tsunami and connected with Cerberumon and took him out.
"Fractal Code Scan!" I shouted as I scanned the beast into my Dtector. Afterwards we heard another crash.
"Not again." SeaDevimon said and passed out,returning to Ariel.
"Ariel!" Kouchi shouted as he caught her.
"Is she OK?" Tsukaimon asked,concerned for Ariel.
"Yeah." Kouchi replied.
"Now what was that?" Samuraimon asked.
"Sounds like another foe." I replied. Then,a bird creature attacked us.
"What was That!?" I shouted.
"Birdramon." Ronku replied.
"Well Sora needs to calm her down!" I shouted.
"Look,that world and our world have nothing to do with each other Sumi!" Kouchi and Ariel shouted,though,Ariel was pretty weak.
"I've got this!" Ronku shouted as he lunged at the bird. "Steel Slash!" He shouted and took it out rather effectively. We both landed next to the fallen beast.
"Fractal code Scan!" He shouted and absorbed the thing into his Dtector.
"Now let's get out of here before everyone thinks that we did all of this damage!" Tsukaimon shouted. We ran out of the Music Terminal and warped out of the digital world. When we got back,Tommy was waiting for us along with the others.
"I heard you yelled at Tommy for something. What was it?" Takumi asked Ariel.
"Not now...." she said weakly.
"What happened?" Koji asked,concerned.
"Let's just say,she got dunked on." I replied.
A/N: You get an internet cookie if you know what that is
"So,how are we going to fix her?"
"I have no clue."
"Lie about it and say she played a little too rough?" Takuya asked.
"That's probably our only option at this point." Ronku replied.
We walked to Ariel's house and knocked on the door,to which her parents opened.
"What happened to her!?" They shouted,concerned about their daughter.
"We were messing around at the park,and she played a bit too hard and passed out from that." Tommy lied as Ariel's parents took her from Kouchi's arms.
"Come in." They said.
"Thank you." Cyrus replied,thankful that they bought our 2 second lie.
Time skip and POV change brought to you by the disturbing amount of Koji x Kouchi incest/yaoi
Ariel's POV
When I woke up,it was 10 at night. I checked my phone to find it was Friday. The last I knew it was Tuesday. I was passed out for 3 days!
"Tsukaimon what happened!?" I shouted quietly.
"You used too much energy when fighting Cerberumon. Sumi and Ronku had to spirit evolve in order to save you. And you were in Kouchi's arms,and Citron made a shipping joke out of it." she replied.
I was over the moon and raging at the same time,as I had a secret crush on the warrior of Darkness,but don't tell anyone I said that. But for Citron to make a joke about it!? HE IS SO DEAD! Then, I noticed the blue thing staring at me along with Sumi and Ronku sleeping on the floor next to my bed.
"Hi...." I said to the blue thing softly.
"I'm DemiVeemon!" It said,smiling.
"Name's Ariel." I said. "And I guess you met Tsukaimon."
"Yep!" he replied
"So what happened?"
"I don't know." they both replied.
"I'll ask them in the morning."

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