Chapter 3

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Liam's POV

To: Danielle ;)

"Good Luck babe! Can't wait to see you on TV!"

I closed my phone and quickly changed the channel to get ready to watch Danielle perform on TV. I was just as excited as she was.

"What are you doing?" my mate Harry came in eating popcorn.

"Getting ready to watch Danielle perform tonight," I told him.

"Oh yeah that girl you're dating online," he sneered, "why are you so excited? Don't you like talk to her all the time?"

"Yes, but I don't see get to see her," I informed him.

"Don't you skype?" he asked.


"Why not?" he seemed in shock.

"There's never anytime," I told him turning back to the television.

"So you've never seen her in real life?"

"She lives in California," I reminded him.

"So how do you know this is the girl you've been talking to? What if she's really fat," Harry joked.

"She's not, I told her to give me a little wink to prove to me that it really is her," I mentioned.

He shrugged any took a seat next to me. Justin Timberlake was opening up the VMA's which meant Danielle would be on soon. I took a handful of Harrys popcorn and watched as the laser light beams fill the arena and JT's hit song "Suit and Tie" began.

A group of both guys and girls came out walking in two separate rows. The camera was filming from a very high angle and I could barely see the girls. The camera finally lowered and showed all the girls aligned next to Justin. Danielle was in the front. She was wearing a tight black undergarments and a nice black satin jacket to almost match the guys. She looked amazing.

"So when is she going to wink at you?" Harry interrupted.


I continued to watch the performance. My eyes following Danielle's sexy movements. She was doing an amazing job. This was the first time I actually got to see her. Although she couldn't see me, I was glad to see her. The performance was going great until JT pulled Danielle over to dance with him. She seemed confused and didn't know what to do. He was grabbing her waist almost reaching her bottom. My jaw tensed.

She improvised and went along with Justin's movements. She had her leg up to his waist and he held on to her while her arms were wrapped around his neck. I didn't like this at all. He spun her out back to the groups alignment where she regained the steps and continued on with the performance.

"Woah," Harry beckoned.

I ignored his ignorance and continued on watching Danielle. The camera zoomed in on her and she gave the camera a wink.

"S-she did it!" I jumped and pointed at the TV, "she winked! She did it! It is her!!" I cheered.

Harry stared at me foolishly but I didn't care. It was her. I was full of excitement and I couldn't believe it. Harry stood up and patted my back.

"At least she's not fat," he laughed and went into the the next room.

"Oh shut it!" I hissed.

I grabbed my phone and texted Danielle.

To: Danielle ;)

"You did fantastic!! ;) xx Loved the wink by the way!"

I continued to watch the performance. It soon ended in them doing the splits on the ground while the guys held their arms up. The camera went off and it showed the nominees and some of the guest attending the award show. I really only wanted to watch the VMA'S because Danielle was performing so I shut off the TV and waited on her text.

From: Danielle ;)

"I'm still shaking knowing that you watched my performance! How did I do? I was so nervous!"

To: Danielle ;)

"Don't worry! You did great babe! ;) "

From: Danielle ;)

"Thank you ;) maybe we could Skype tonight?"

To: Danielle ;)

"Sorry babe, I have band rehearsals tomorrow and I have to get some sleep! Plus my computer really isn't working. I'm sorry. I have to go now! Once again you did amazing! Love you ;) "

Danielle's POV

Liam's text saddened me. I've just finished my performance tonight and I was exhausted. He's always so busy and we never get a chance to see one another, especially the stupid time zones. May I remind you he lives all the way back in London.

I replied and I said I loved him and to have a good nights sleep. We agreed to speak tomorrow after his rehearsals.

"What's wrong?" Ashley came over and handed me a water bottle.

"Oh nothing, just texting Liam," I half smiled.

"Did he watch the performance?" She eagerly wanted to know.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"You don't seem so happy about it?" She frowned.

"I am. It's just I really wanted to Skype with him but he said his computer isn't working and well it's late over there in London," I scrunched my nose.

"He's always so busy. What could that boy possibly be doing?" She crossed her arms.

"He is in a band remember. He has to rehearse for his gigs," I told her.

"Yes but he rehearses so much. Is his band that popular where he lives?" She questioned.

"I guess so," I shrugged.

"Also every time you ask him to Skype he always has an excuse and doesn't really have time, I'm starting to think he's not who he says he is."

She did kind of had a point, but I ignored her. I trusted Liam. He says he was in a band and I believe him. And I understand that bands have to rehearse and the time zones from here and there are hard to keep track on when one of us is busy. It could be 6 in the afternoon here and 12 in the morning over there. But we somehow managed to keep up with one another and keep this relationship a good one.

"Yeah but can we talk about something else?" I begged.

She shrugged as she drank from her water bottle, "how bout you get changed and we can go out to eat!"

"You don't want to stay for the show?" I asked.

"Not really. We don't even have good seats. Plus we have a low chance of meeting any other celebrities."

She was right. We had seats at the very very top of the arena and all the stars were down below. I think it's better to leave. Plus I was starving and anxious to get home and rest. I changed out of the cute performance outfit we wore and slipped on my silk black dress. I put on my red heels and put my hair down letting me curls fall.

"Ready," I called out to Ashley while I carried my danced bag.

"You look great," she smiled. She lifted her dance bag and he headed towards the exit.

"Woah where do you think your going?" A sexy male voiced called. It was Justin.

"Umm we were kinda leaving," I told him.

"No your not," he smiled, "you two are gonna come have dinner with me and a couple friends."

"U-us?" Ashley stuttered.

"Sure! You guys did so well. Come on, my treat," he winked.

"Oh my goodness," Ashley was baffled.

"So what do you say?" He asked us both but kept his eyes on me.

"Of course!" Ashley blurted.

I was in shock. Justin Timberlake asked us for dinner.

"Great! Lets go," he reached for my hand. His fingers intertwined with mine. He didn't hold Ashley's hand, he was holding mine.

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