Chapter 7

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"That's him Danielle!" Ashley shouts.

"It can't be," I whisper. He's waking on set with 4 other young boys following him.

~TV Interview~

Interviewer: The band to hear. They are from across the country! They are the biggesty thing in London and they are here in Washington! They are cute and full of talent! Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam! One Direction Everybody.

Liam. It's Liam. And he's in Washington, not Dublin.

Interviewer: So boys how does it feel to be in America? Is it surreal? Harry?

The curly haired boy speaks.

Harry: It's great really. Just not too long ago we were in Dublin playing a gig and now were here.

Interviewer: So I've read that you were on X-Factor. You got third place but Simon still signed you to his label. Syco. Correct.

They all bob their heads in response as a Yes.

Interviewer: That's amazing. So Zayn what's your take on this whole thing?

Zayn: It's crazy actually. I mean...we've never expected anything like this to happen you know. So this is life changing and real cool to be in another country.

Ask Liam a question. Come on.

Interviewer: You are all British. Except for Niall, is that correct.

The blonde one speaks.

Niall: Yep! I'm Irish, and proud.

*crowd cheers*

Interviewer: That's great! Well we don't have much more time. We have about 4 minutes, but I'm so happy for you boys. It's great. I'm glad you made it to America. All of you from small cities in London and you've made it big. So many girls have discovered you and we have about 1,000 outside now. Biggest crowd yet.


Interviewer: That's insane.

The five boys clap as if they are so proud of themselves. My eyes are still focused on Liam.

Interview: Okay before we go, I have to ask.

Louis: Ask Away!

Interviewer: Okay. Do you have girlfriends?

They all say no except for Zayn and Louis I believe his name is.

Louis: I have a girlfriend and so does Zayn.

Interviewer: Harry, Niall, no girlfriend?

They say no.

Interviewer: Liam, you either? You are very handsome. No girlfriend. Happy Birthday by the way son!

He smiles and blushes a bit. Answer dammit!

Liam: Thank you so much and No.


Interviewer: Okay. Well that's it for today! One Direction everybody!

"What the hell," Ashley scoffs.

"No," I whisper. I run to my room and check my phone. No reply.

"Have they walked off yet?" I shout to Ashley.

"Yes! They've just left! Danielle are you alright?" she shouts back.

"yeah! I'll be fine," I lie. I wait for a rely but get nothing. Until after 15 minutes I get something back.

From: Liam <3

*Thanks babe. Gigs over. I wish I didn't live so far. I'm sorry! I wish I could be there with you now in the U.S. but I'm stuck in England :( love you.*


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