Chapter 4

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Danielle's POV

After Ashely's acceptance to Justin request on us going to eat with him and a couple other people, he takes us to a fancy restaurant.

The outside is all a cherry brick wall setting. Almost like a grill bar but it's even fancier and classier than that. He takes us to a booth with people so familiar already sitting down.

"Justin!" they cheer. He smiled seeming pleased and pulls me over to sit with him. I tug at Ashley's arm but she makes her way to the other side and sits with one of Justin's friends.

I feel a bit awkward being here because Justin still doesn't let go of my hand. No one seems to mind that he's holding it. I figured they'd ask or give him a strange look but it doesn't seem to interest them.

He finally lets go and scans the menu, "Would you like drink?" he asks with a smirk.

"I don't drink," I lie. I do drink. Not beer, but like a nice semi-alcoholic drink, but I'm just not in the mood for one tonight.

He chuckles and puts his hand over my bare thigh making me shiver, "Water?"

"Yes please," I gulp.

I look over at Ashley whose sitting right across from me flirting with Justin's friend. She pays no attention to me when I try to call her.

"Here are your drinks," the kind waitress places my glass of water in front of me. I mouth a thank you to her and pick of the paper of my straw.

"It's so good here," Justin says examining his menu. I grab mine and hide my face from everyone. I decide on a nice ravioli with a light cream sauce. I pretend like I'm not ready to order and need more time just to keep hiding.

The kind waitress comes back and takes out order. Everyone seemed to order the steak and potatoes besides Justin.

"I'll have the cream ravioli," my eyes dart over to him. It's like he read my mind.

"And you miss?" she smiles.

"Um same," I hand her the menu. I notice his smile appearing making me a bit nervous. His hand goes back on my thigh causing me to get goosebumps.

"You cold?" he asks.

"Um no," I glance over to Ashley. She finally looks over to me, "Ashley will you please join me to the bathroom?"

She furrows her brows but agrees. We excuse ourselves from the group and head towards the bathroom passing by the people eating their dinner.

"What's wrong?" she asks as we walk into the bathroom. Luckily no one is in here.

"I want to go home," I sigh.

"What? why?" she's shocked. I know she doesn't want to leave and her expression doesn't surprise me.

"I feel very uncomfortable being here," my minds goes back when Justin placed his hand on my thigh twice.

"Of course you do. So am I , "she admits.

"You are?" I try to hide my excitement. Maybe she'll want to leave too.

"Well duh. It's not everyday we get asked to eat dinner with someone as big and famous as Justin Timberlake!" she smiles.

Suddenly my excitement goes away and my hopes of going home soon are gone, "that's not why I am uncomfortable."

"Then why? We can't leave now," she frowns.

"He put his had on my thigh!" I quietly say as an older woman walks in.

Ashley's eyes almost pop out and her face is shocked, "oh my god!"

"Shhhh!" She begins to laugh, "it's not funny!"

"I'm sorry but oh my god. How is that uncomfortable? He's hot and famous! This is big!" she exclaims.

"No it's not! May I remind you I'm dating Liam," I keep my voice down.

"That prude from the internet? Dani he lives so far away and you two don't skype! Dump him for Justin! Justin can give you way more than Liam ever has, and that's a lot more," she emphasizes.

"He's not a prude," I defend, "he's my boyfriend. And I don't like betraying him especially how far away he is."

"You're not betraying him," she sighs, "it's only dinner, plus I am here and so are many other people."

She is right. It is only dinner and it is kind of like a celebration after the amazing performance we did, and Justin did win about 3 awards. So I guess it was a congratulations party dinner. But I still don't like the way his hand gripped my bare thigh below the table. I just hope he doesn't do that again. I really want to text Liam but I know he's asleep right now. It's 10pm here so it must be like 4 in the morning in London. I pull out my phone and see a sweet text from him from about 2 hours ago!

From: Liam <3

*You did amazing babe. I love you. Goodnight beautiful :)*

I smile and place the phone back in my small purse. I sigh and look back at Ashley whose cleaning the eyeliner from under her eye and reapplying it.

"So? Are you going to stay or should we go?" she asks not looking at me.

We still haven't ate and I am starving after that performance. I sigh and give in, "okay okay. We'll stay."

She almost jumps and pulls me into her embrace. I hug back and giggle as she thanks me multiple times before letting go.

"Hurry before they think we've left," she grabs my wrist and drags me back to the table.

Justin's smile appears as he sees Ashely and I coming back. I take my seat next to him again and smile at him. A shiver goes down my spine as I feel his large hand on my thigh again. This time a bit closer the the hem of my dress.

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