Chapter 9

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"Did we get a response?" I ask Ashley as she quickly logs into her email account.

"My phone notified me that we did," she types as fast as she can. Once she's in, she has at least 10 unread emails.

"Hurry," I lightly slap her shoulder.

"," she skims through the emails and ignores the unwanted ones.

"What," I say once I notice she's stopped scrolling.

"They replied!" she screeches.

"Oh my god open the email!" I jump and push her aside.

"Do you want to read it?" she smiles and I agree.

* Dear Danielle,

You're story really fascinated me and gave me more of an interest to come and help you, especially since I am in LA right now.

I have never heard of a more interesting and peculiar story than yours and I would be more than likely to help you find out who you are talking to. I also never heard of someone talking to someone so far away and then realizing they were on Television. This could be a good investigation and I'm really looking forward to it.

I would first like to Skype you and talk to you. So if you'd please click the link below and we can get started right away.


Nev and Max. *

"Click the link!" Ashley shouts.

"Okay okay," I roll my eyes, "but I think I should be able to sit on the chair."

"Fine," she groans and stands up. I sit and click on the link. I turn up the speakers so I'll be able to eat properly.

"Hello! Are you Danielle," A young somewhat cute man appears on the screen.

"That's Nev," Ashely whispers.

"Yes I am," I say.

"Love the accent," the other male with gray facial hair says.

"That's Max," Ashley points out.

"Okay," I mouth and tun back to the screen.

"Thank you," I reply back.

"So tell me a little bit about how you and Liam met," Nev asks.

"Well I moved to California from London to have a better opportunity for my dancing career and so far it's been great but when I moved here it got lonely. I didn't know many people and I'm sort of shy. So I was online most of the time and I came upon Liam who'd sent me a friend request and without thinking I accepted it. I went to his profile and there I discovered he was from London as well," I explain.

"So that's how you started talking?" Max questions.

"Yeah because he noticed as well and he started chatting me up. He's kept me company on the phone ever since I moved," I say.

"So you have talked to him," Nev asks.

"Yes. And after about 8 months of talking, we've actually started dating," I say.

"How long have you been dating?" Max asks.

"A year and 3 and a half months," I bite my cheek.

"Wow," they both say.

"So you've had this relationship with him for that long and you mentioned you saw him on Television? Am I correct," Nev frowns.

"Yeah, it was his birthday and he mentioned flying out to see me but he had canceled because he had a band interview in Dublin, Ireland," I say.

"He's in a band," Nev interrupts.

"Yeah. He said it was a small band but my roommate Ashely was going to watch your show and ended up watching an interview. She called me over and said Liam was on TV. It was him along with four other guys. The interviewer said they were a big new band from London and she even said there were over a thousand fans waiting for them outside," I sigh and remember when I seen him on TV.

"That doesn't sound like a small band," Max laughs.

"And are you sure it was him," Nev questions.

"Yes. Exactly like in the pictures," I rub my eyes.

"Wow that's interesting. Well Danielle we will get in with this search," Nev says.

"Thank you so much," I say.

"No thank you. We'll talk to you soon," he says and we exchange phone number before logging off.

"Wow," Ashely covers her mouth.

"I know," I sigh and slump down on the chair.

Nev's POV

"This is some crazy story," Max puts down the camera.

"It's interesting really," I say and motion over to the laptop resting on the small hotel room desk.

"She saw him on television," Max adjust the cameras so it's facing me, "there's no way in hell she's talking to the person she thinks she is."

"Anythings possible," I check her emails.

"Shall we google image search?" He suggests.

"That's what I was about to do," I say and open the emails of pictures Danielle sent me. I drag the picture onto google images and hope for some answers.

"Anything?" Max asks.

"Holy shit," I say as I look at all the information on this guy appears on the screen.

"Catfish curveball," Max looks as astounded as I am.

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