Because They Love Each Other

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Cody's POV

I sat on the couch after she left. I followed her for about 15 minutes but she didn't dare look back.

True, utter fear.

That's how you run when you are horrified. You never look back. Because when you do you risk getting caught up to. I have been a murderer long enough to know that. I watched the girl that I love run away from me because I didn't want her to leave. Ironic much?...Kill me.

"I am such a dumb ass..." I sighed. My phone rang and the call was from an un-recognizable phone number. I answered it hesitantly hearing heavy breathe. It was too high to be a mans voice and from what I could gather, they were breathing that way because of crying. Been a murderer far too long to know how horrible that sound is. I have had to kill some of my girlfriends before but with Y/N I am resistant to do so. The voice finally spoke up.

"C-Cody..." It whimpered. I recognized that angelic voice from anywhere! It was Y/N

"Y/N!" I exclaimed. I heard her squeak from the other side of the line

"I am sorry...Can you ever forgive me?" She asked. I looked worried and a bit rushed

"OF COURSE!" I yelled. I heard her almost scream.

"Sorry..." I whispered rubbing the back of my neck. She chuckled

"It's fine I am gonna sleep here for a night and come back okay?" She laughed I nodded

"Mhm, I love you" I whispered. She hummed and huffed out a sigh

"I love you too, see you tomorrow" She said with a calm voice. I smiled and walked to my bedroom excited to see her tomorrow. The only thing that bothered me.

What if she snuggled with him? What if he makes a move on her? I can't bare that freaking thought. He reminds me of Andy Biersack. Andy is a sweet guy but I know if he were to meet her he would fall too. Ugh he even looks like Andy...I'm not being controlling I am being a good boyfriend.



Yeah, there is no way I'm a bad guy. I am America's sweetest punk singer! Everyone loves me...And if they don't they better not point it out... I sat there staring at a blank wall. Remembering the most recent death...Ah! Yes it was one of the singers of One Direction. Harry Styles I think? Yep Harry. He said some dumb shit about the punk culture I did some dumb shit...Well it was my choice...I shot him between the eyes. Heh you should have seen the look on his face when I pulled out the gun. Haha the kid was scared shitless. He started to run and I chased him to the end of the venue. I pulled out the gun and he covered his face crying yet I still got between the eyes. I stared into his blank eyes and he still had a hint of life but he was dead. No going back, the next morning they found him like that on the stage with the letter "Punk is a lifestyle, NOT a game like his life. Be warned. Your good friend, music" That was the name I had gained. The news was out and I swear I heard the cry of a thousand directioners and I laughed my ass off.

I staid up until 3:00 to 3:30 in the morning and then fell asleep. I woke up hearing a knocking on my door. I looked to my side seeing it was 11:25 and I ran to the front door answering. I opened the door to see my beautiful girlfriend. Y/N. I lover her to bits! The little vixen is just amazing to be near! I smothered her in a hug smiling like a dumb ass, she hugged back

"Y/N!" I exclaimed hugging her tighter. I could feel every bone in her arm shift. As the past year went I learned more and more about human anatomy cause I am a killer and it be best I know the weak spots of a human. The strong spots, and the spots that kill them. I smiled and she smiled back

"Cody!" She chuckled hugging me and kissing my cheek. I smiled and let her go and she sat on the couch I followed her to the couch and sat next to her

"I love you" I whispered laying my head on her chest, she wrapped her arm around me hugging me closer. I smiled...I missed her so much

"I love you too" She whispered in my ear. I smiled proudly to have her as my girlfriend. The way she sings, her giggle, her stunning blue eyes, her bubbly personality, her hair, her tactic for running when she is afraid...Don't judge me. I love everything about her, even the way she is skeptical about me! I am already messed up so it's not weird...

"Cody I am sorry" She whispered in my ear softly, I felt her lips linger against my ear softly as she cooed those sad words. I blushed feeling her basically kiss my ear. She began to pet my hair softly and I smiled wide.

"I forgive you, you shouldn't be sorry it's my fault for being so...Agressive." I smiled sympathetically. I heard her let out a sigh and she held me tighter. I feel safe in her arms, a warmth that is familiar but I can't place my finger on it...

"I left you alone...I was almost afraid of you..." She gasped from what she had just said, I didn't feel like crying nor did I feel like killing her but it hurt... A lot.

"Cody I am so sorry I-" She attempted to explain but I cut her off before she could say any more pain.

"It's okay, I understand, I am scary, I am a bad guy, I am a monster!...I am your boyfriend" I yelled, I then realized I yelled at the woman I love, the woman I adore and so much more. She stared at me, though I was not looking at her I could feel her soft blue eyes staring into me. I began to hear small adorable whimpers come from her and I realized she was crying...

"Oh my god I am so sorry Y/N I didn't mean it!" I exclaimed, she cried more and more until I decided, if I am her boyfriend and hero, I need to start acting like that. I scooped her into my arms and cradled her like a baby, I kissed her nose and whispered Dream Catcher to her and she began to calm down. She stared at me with her big soft baby blue eyes and sniffled.

Dammit I feel bad! I stared at her and she...She held onto me tighter? What? Why? I just yelled at her why would she be doing this? Whatever I don't care, all I care about is her. I held her tighter and pressed my forehead against her's.

"I am sorry my dear" I whispered kissing her softly. She kissed back barely.

"I feel safe with you" She whispered back... Inoccent, naive girl. She doesn't know who I really am... I began to break down as I held her. I walked to my bedroom and layed her on the bed biting back tears. She looked worried.

"Listen I need some time to myself, you do whatever you want I will be in my recording room if you need me..." I sighed, she nodded then grabbed the remote and started watching a movie on Netflix... ? I had no idea what movie it was

"Hey Y/N?" I asked. She turned to me

"Yes Codes?" She responded. I pointed to the tv

"What movie is that?" I asked, her face gleamed with happiness

"My favorite movie ever! We should watch it together sometime" She smiled. I nodded.

"Yeah... How about tonight?" I offered. She smiled even wider and nodded making me chuckle. I walked out the room and walked to my recording room and broke down in tears.

I never want her to find out. I want this nightmare to be over! I want everything in life to be better! I want my dad back! I want to stop my evil ways! I want to be happy with Y/N! I want to stop killing, I want to be happy for once with my life! I want to be... Free.

I cried for about 2 hours which I never do, until I heard the door open and it was Y/N. I looked up at her with my blotchy tear stained face. She ran over to me hugging me close to her chest.

"Oh my god! What happened?!" She exclaimed hugging me as tight as physically possible. I held her just as tight

What is my life?

Hey guys! I hope you like this new chapter of Killer Date! I know you all hate me for the cliff hanger but I love watching the pain and suffering of cliff hangers cause it's funny! I worked really hard on it and yeah! Question of the day! Do you forgive Cody for yelling at you? Love yall! Bye! <3

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