Of Actors And Agreements

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Kyra's mouth fell open in horror as the memories of last night came flooding back. She cringed as Loki eyed her with an arched eyebrow.

Yesterday wasn't some crazy dream? Oh gosh. I really did throw up all over him....and it was my fault he slept half-naked in my bed.....But wait a minute. This also means......

She eyed the man sitting opposite her. She'd expected a god to be more muscled and buff, but Loki wasn't. He was tall and lean and lithe, and muscular in a sinewy way. As she ran an eye over his bare chest she felt her pulse quickened.

Stop ogling you idiot. She averted her eyes quickly.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I'll.....get your shirt dry-cleaned. And um, sorry for all the vomit....and trouble."

Loki shrugged. "I am accustomed to dealing with drunkards. It is the vomit that is - repulsive."

Kyra flushed. But his words made her curious.

"Accustomed to drunkards? You mean......"

"My brother. Thor. There was a time when he would party for weeks. Needless to say he was also drinking for weeks. I had to help him to his chambers every night. A bulky blonde warrior is of far more trouble than a mere mortal like you."

Kyra wasn't sure if she should be flattered or insulted.

His next words were in a business-like tone. "So. About your three wishes. What does your heart most desire?"

Desire. "Well - um. Uh....." Kyra's eyes flicked all over the place before she suddenly burst out, "Can you please put some clothes on? It's - distracting!"

Loki's eyebrows flew sky-high and Kyra flushed.

"I - I mean it's not as if we're close or anything, and you're just wandering around half-naked....and you - you don't even have anything worthy to show.......just put on a shirt!" she yelled before leaping off her bed and marching over to her wardrobe.

Loki watched her go and the corners of his lips seemed to lift just the slightest.

Kyra fumbled around for the biggest shirt she could find. It was a shirt that she had received from some motivational camp two months ago, and as everyone knows camps always get your clothes size wrong. Hers had been two sizes bigger.

Loki looked at it and frowned.

"Believe And Succeed. Love Life," he read out loud. "My my, aren't you an optimistic one."

Kyra ignored him and kept her face focused on a white work blouse.

"Just put it on," she said.

There was some rustling of fabric.


She turned back around. The shirt looked rather tight on him, but he wore it well.

"I am anxious to get this over with. So name me your three wishes and let us be done."

Kyra stared. "I have one month don't I? One month to order you around?" Loki's lips curled at the word. "I don't need to answer now!

"I have so many things I want that I don't even know where to start!" Kyra started pacing. "I'll need to make a list. Weigh down the pros and cons. I'll have to decide on the best three! Then I'll tell you."

Kyra paused. "Until then - you're stuck with me. And you're bounded, so you'll have to do all I say." She smiled happily. "My very own servant!"

Loki pondered. Slowly he stood up. Locking his eyes on Kyra he approached her, his movements feline and soundless.

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