Going home (jackunzel)

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3 days later
Jacks PoV
It's been three days those days went really fast

Punz: I don't want to leave Paris
Jack: me either but we have too
Punz: can we come back here soon
Jack: soon
Punz: yay

Me and Rapunzel put our stuff in the car I checked the time it was '11:20am' so we decided to walk around and get some gifts for the others

Punz: I'm gonna miss Paris
Jack: me too
Punz: but I'm glad we're gonna see
Jack: our friends again
Punz: yeah
Jack: where to first

Rapunzel told me where she wanted to go so we did and we had a great time until the time was 3:25 shit 5 more minutes then it's goodbye Paris I'm gonna miss this place
End of PoV
Rapunzel PoV
Me and jack are at the airport waiting for our flight we have 2 bags each

Announcer: flight 207 to LA is now boarding

I looked at Jack and he looked at me and we quickly ran to the gate we got on the plane and I sat next to a window and Jack was beside me
After 4 hours
Once the plane had landed I got out of my seat and Jack stood up as well we walked off the airplane and we grabbed our bags and drove to our home oh before we went on our honeymoon we brought a house

At our house
We arrived at our house and then I dropped my bags in the living room and so did Jack

Jack: want something to eat
Jack: what would you like
Punz: (thinks) pot noodle
Jack: coming up

Jack walked in the kitchen to make my dinner while I walked upstairs to put our stuff away once I put our stuff away I walked back downstairs to see Jack holding my dinner and we walked into the living room
End of PoV

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