2 months later

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Jacks PoV
Fucking hell I hate that bitch I don't mean Rapunzel I meant that girl who started kissing me I was walking home with a drink in my hand I got a little tired from walking so I sat down on a bench and this girl came up to me and started kissing me I thought it was Rapunzel so I started to kiss back when I got my vision back I saw a girl with black hair I pushed her away

Jack: who are you
???: I'm Gogo don't you remember
Jack: shit I remember you, you were the crazy bitch who would try to get it on with me

Gogo: you can remember everything but can you remember when we had sex

Jack: what the fuck are you on about
Gogo: oh yeah I drugged you
Jack: get off me you physic bitch

I pushed her off me and ran to my house and that's where it went down hill I tried to tell Rapunzel the truth but she ignored me and she packed her and Mille's stuff then she walked out the door that's it she walked out the door, out my life and won't talk to me anymore I tried she won't answer I started to hit the wall I didn't care anymore my world has gone Rapunzel and Mille were my world she has t gotten a divorce so that could be a good sign right anyway I walked to Elsa's
End of PoV
Elsa's PoV
I was comforting Rapunzel when I heard the door go so I let Merida take over oh yeah forgot to tell you me and the others were comforting Rapunzel I went to get the door I opened the door

Elsa: what do you want Jack
Jack: I want to talk to Rapunzel
Elsa: she doesn't want to see you
Punz: let me talk to him now
Elsa: you sure
Punz: yeah
Elsa: okay

I walked away
End of PoV

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