Oh my gosh

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Elsa's PoV
Me,Merida and Anna are walking through the mall when we saw a girl with black hair kissing a boy with white hair wait white hair the girls saw where I was looking

Merida: is that Jack
Elsa: it's gotta be
Anna: yeah cause he is the only young boy with white hair

Elsa: that's true
Merida: what do we tell punzie
Anna: the truth
Elsa: this will crush her
Merida: I know but we gotta tell her
Anna: let's go

Me and the girls ran to Rapunzel house and knocked on after 5 minutes she answered

Punz: oh hey girls
Anna: can we come in
Punz: sure

We walked in and walked in the living room

Punz: so what's up
Merida: it's about Jack
Punz: oh no what about him
Elsa: is Mille home
Punz: no she's at her nans for the day and tomorrow why

Anna: well Rapunzel we are so sorry
Punz: for what
Elsa: Jack is cheating on you
Punz: what (tears up)
Merida: we are so sorry
Punz: how could he when he promised
Elsa:(hugs her)

Rapunzel hugged me back and the other two joined the hug
End of PoV
Rapunzel PoV
How could he, he cheated on me for no reason why did I trust him? Why did I believe him? Ugh I hate him right now as soon as he gets home I'm gonna tell him and then get mine and Mille's stuff and we are moving out i can't live in the same house with a fucking liar and a cheater I was crying by now the girls were comforting me I would do the same if it were their husbands but they are respectful of their wives but mine isn't all I can think about is Jack kissing another girl or having sex with another girl
End of PoV

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