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Rapunzel PoV
I don't know what to do I told mr and Mrs frost to tell Jack that I'm having twins and they congratulated me and I said thank you and then just ran out of there

Elsa: what's wrong
Punz: what will Jack say
Anna: he will be pleased
Merida: yeah because he loves you
Punz: I guess you're right
Elsa: what's got this idea in your head
Punz: I don't know I guess
Merida: oh I know
Elsa: I don't
Punz: my aunt was pregnant with twins and her husband left her because of that and I thought that it would happen to me if I ever got married and had kids

Jack: I won't ever leave you

That was the moment I froze when I heard his voice I couldn't turn around

Jack: Rapunzel look at me
Punz: I I can't
Jack: please just look at me

I finally had the courage to face him

Jack: why would you ever think that I would leave you

Punz: it's happened before
Jack: how and when
Punz: my aunts husband left her
Jack: well I'm not that guy
Flynn: do you trust him
Punz: yes I do but.....
Kristoff: then what's the problem
Jack: guys shut up
Punz: I'm gonna go

With that I ran out of my house and ran to the Forrest where I found a treehouse I climbed up it and saw my name it said a message as well

Dear Rapunzel
I will miss you when I'm gone but I've watched you grow from a little girl to a strong confident young woman just so you know that you're not alone I will be with you just not in person

Love from mum xxxxx

I teared up I remember this now it was the day before my mum died she gave me this note and I just started crying again I want to move but I can't because my friends are here and my .....husband is here
End of PoV

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