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Jacks PoV
Rapunzel has been pushing me away for a long time now and I don't know why I asked the girls they didn't know either

Jack: this is worrying me
Elsa: and me
Hiccup: what's up with her
Jack: I don't know she just keeps pushing me away

Anna: where is she
Jack: I don't know

I then heard a voice that I knew so well

Punz: Jack
Jack: yeah
Punz: we need to go
Jack: where
Punz: the hospital
Jack:(eyes widen)  let's go

Me and Rapunzel got in my car and I drove to the hospital
End of PoV
Rapunzel PoV
Jack parked up in the hospital car park and rushed me inside the doctor saw me and brought me straight to a room and checked me over and was shocked

Jack: what's wrong
Doctor: remember how I said that you're 8 months pregnant and you only have a month left well you better get ready

Punz: for what and why
Doctor: the baby is coming now

I was shocked

After 25 minutes later

I was sweating I was tired Jack was still holding my hand and the baby is a girl and we still need a name for her

Punz: what shall we call her
Jack: how about Millie
Punz: perfect

The doctor smiled and took the baby to clean her up

After 5 minutes

The doctor then came back holding my baby and he gave her to me

Doctor: there you go
Jack: thank you doc
Doctor:(smiles) anytime sir
Punz: aww
Jack: what
Punz: look at her

Jack looked at the baby and saw that she was asleep

Doctor: miss Rapunzel
Punz: yes
Doctor: you may go home tomorrow
Punz: thank you

The doctor was about to leave when Jack stopped him

Jack: doc
Doctor: yeah
Jack: can I stay the night
Doctor: of course

Then the doctor left I smiled I like this Doctor
End of PoV

After 3 years Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz