A Fan Sent From The Heavens

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"Seriously??....this cannot be happening to us. This the worst day of our idol lives" I told

And suddenly the outrageously obnoxious anti-fans disappeared out of nowhere. They must have seen us watching them. Every single one us realized and were wondering where they went, but then we had to calm down as we had nothing to do to save ourselves. No signal. It was raining like hell. No umbrella. No street lights. No diesel. No air in the tyre. It was like we were in the middle of nowhere.

"Oh please....I had to deal with 'it', which was worser that this situation" Tiffany was eating a cookie which was miraculously found in the dashboard

"Oh...Tiffany, I am not going to talk about it. Don't you worry...and how are you able eat a cookie in this situation??"

"Gotten used to it....God!! These are delicious....its like heaven on Earth" She said while she was eating to her heart's content

"Woah...Tiffany you just don't think of others do you?...how could you do this?...(Tiffany froze)..gimme a cookie" I said as I was smiling

"Here you go"

Silence killed the time for 30 seconds

"Ok guys....no more silence. We must come back to our senses. Its ok to think out loud...so, please suggest some ideas" Taeyeon ordered

Everone started thinking...and then Sooyoung....

"Taeyeon....are you thinking...or sleeping?"

"I am racking my brains here Sooyoung"

"Ahhh...I am blank" I told frustratedly

"Tiffany....do you have any idea where we are?.. like you can calculate the distance from the dorm to where we are right now. Then we might have a slight idea of where we are." Yuri had brains. I admitted

"You're right...wait"

"What is this going to do?..we'll just know the distance." Asked Sooyoung. Ok, now I admitted that she had more brains.

"I drove for an hour and thirty minutes....(she was checking the distance travelled near the steering wheel). 2 and a half miles" she finally said

"Then are we near Jin Ha mall?... Why isn't there a single ray of light coming from the mall?" I asked

"Yoona darling check out the time. Its past 10:00. It is next to the dorm isn't it?" Taeyeon answered

"Yep, Yoona go check it out" Sooyoung told very easily

"Are you nuts?!?....it's like a battle field out there. Who knows when I'll be hit by anti-fans and it's very dark?"

"You're already wet....take a chance" she said

"I'd rather die here in this band"

"Stop this childish act guys" Tiffany finally spoke up

"Guys....I see someone approaching us" Taeyeon was shivering

"She looks like a teenager" I told

"Dudes she looks like she is the ghost from the movie grudge.....I am scared of her hair, and look at her walking towards us in the rain" Tiffany couldn't be more afraid

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!" All of us shouted in terror

She approached us very quickly with egg stains covering her body. She knocked two times on Taeyeon's window.

"Taeyeonah don't open it!!!!" Tiffany shouted

"Open it Taeyeon" I told

I knew that she did not come to cause any harm. If she were an obnoxious anti-fan aka fan of exo, then she would have tried to do something harsh. Taeyeon slowly opened the window. It was still raining in full swing and some water fell on her face.

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